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They denounce the death of another food delivery man in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

jonathan: good night, lecrap, thanks foraccompany us.jonathan: five splittersof food they lost the in thelast week and two isanointed odahope: gary merson spokewith the victim’s family>> we want to know thetrue, what happened to mebrother.gary: anguish consumes theValencia family, who do notthey were able to identify the bodyof eduardo in the morgue as adelivery man who diedstrangely.>> a person crashes anddraws a lot of blood, the truth isthat we want justiceFor my brother.we want to know what happened withthe.>> many people have died, almostthey do not do justice becausewe are migrants, nothey ignore us.gary: share informationon how to improve yourtry to always wear a helmetprotector, refractive vest,respect the signs oftraffic, riding in your lane orthat if you drink alcoholmedication, do not usebike, but opens the wayto obtain your permission fromdrive, the tool withcomplete information for yourdefending.>> we want you to help us toClarify this situationbecause sometimes one says athing, but it’s not reallyit’s.gary: also, the guild guardsrepeated mourning for otherscolleagues who have lostlife in the last week, forwho made one of mythis Sunday.luciano morales, lu joéángelariano and joé casteán leftto his fate, as well as two otherswho are in a coma.tiburcio seía castledisconnected from the machinesthis Tuesday.no longer has a solution.gary: despite the conquestsregarding rights andbenefits, safety is apending aspect.>> safety on the streetsit’s getting worse. one goesmaking their deliveries and leavingfive people attacking him.there are no tools that do.gary: ace of a hundredpeople have died instreets so far this year,about 20 pedestrians on skateboards andmotorcycles.will take place this Tuesdaya vigil at 6:00 a.m.late to commemorate lifeEduardo Valencia.

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