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They demand to know the program of purchase and financing of the LGTBi books that Castelln distributed in the institutes


The Christian Lawyers entity requested the Transparency Portal of the Castelln City Council for the program and funds with which the volumes given away have been paid

Part of the index of one of the books distributed and that the Christian Lawyers entity has delivered in the complaint.

  • Polmica Christian Lawyers asks the court to withdraw from the institutes of 32 LGTBi books and Comproms to present motions for the “attack on freedom of expression”

In the midst of the wide social and judicial controversy around the gift made by the Castelln town hall of a batch of books on the subject LGTBI To more than a dozen secondary schools, the Christian Lawyers Foundation now wants to find out in what terms this donation is framed and how much the consistory has spent on it.

We have ordered through the portal transparency of the Castelln City Council the information regarding the distribution of the books in the 11 institutes of Castelln and the Pi Gros center, assure sources of the organization of jurists, who have also pointed out that they have also requested that the exact figure that they have disbursed be specified. municipal coffers have the acquisition of 12 lots of books (made up of 32 books each).

In this way, from the Christian Lawyers Foundation has asked the Castellón council from which budget item the funds come from and, in some way, if there is any administrative act in which their distribution has been approved.

The objective pursued by the organization of Christian jurists focuses on knowing if the procedure that has been carried out to specify the donation of the batches of books on the subject LGTBI it has been done correctly or there is some irregularity. Remember that if the disbursement of the acquisition of these volumes exceeded the amount of 15,000 euros, the council should have put it out to public bidding, however it does not seem that the amount that has been invested in the purchase of LGTBI books can reach the aforementioned amount to have to conduct a public tender.

The Castelln City Council must deliver the requested documentation within a maximum period of 60 days, as established by the Transparency Law, they require from the legal group.

According to sources in the organization, the Christian Lawyers Foundation He is waiting for the court to respond to the request he made last Wednesday, the 20th to execute the order of the order issued by the judge on October 15, which appreciated some very precautionary measures and in this way the withdrawal of the books of the institutes where the consistory sent them. Likewise, Abogados Cristianos has also been interested in knowing if the Councilor for Culture, Feminism and LGTBI has made the allegations announced by Vernica Ruiz about the procedure through which the very precautionary measures were approved (on which there is no recourse) .

Before the order 208/2021 issued by the court of Administrative Litigation number 1 of Castelln Last Friday, October 15, a 72-hour period for allegations was established, ending last Wednesday at three in the afternoon. However, the consistory still has a one-day grace period, so the allegations could have been made effective until yesterday, Thursday at three in the afternoon.

The Christian Lawyers Foundation It is also waiting for the Castelln Examining Court to which he filed a complaint against the councilor Vernica Ruiz decides whether to admit the complaint and investigate the case or, on the contrary, to file it. It should be noted that last Tuesday Abogados Cristianos announced its decision to sue Vernica Ruiz for considering that she is responsible for the crimes of prevarication, hate crime, sexual provocation and incitement to the sexual practice of minors under 16 years of age.

In addition, the president of Abogados Cristiano, Polonia Castellanos, also assured that we will also ask the investigating judge to open a research to clarify the possible connection of the mayor of Castelln, Amparo Marco.

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