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They deliver 24 computers to students of Chillán Viejo – La Discusión

At the Liceo Tomás Lago in the commune of Chillán Viejo, Ñuble Region, the Seremi de Educación, Professor César Riquelme, and the regional director(s) of Junaeb, Yolanda Navarrete V., delivered the first 24 computers to beneficiary students. of the Junaeb 2023 ICT Scholarship program, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of learning in school education.

“We are in this high school beginning the process of awarding the ICT Scholarship in the region, where this year, compared to the past, there is a 23% increase in the number of computers that are going to be delivered to all the 7th grade students of the municipal system, and for those who meet a series of requirements in the private subsidized system. This goes hand in hand with a 2030 connectivity program that the Government is already implementing in all the communes of Ñuble, which is very good news, above all, for our rural communities,” said Professor Riquelme.

In the instance and after the delivery, members of the Computer Science Civil Engineering career of the U. of Biobío held a workshop on the use of the computer and programming aimed at all the beneficiaries and their families in order to promote these tools . A moment that the regional director of Junaeb highlighted when pointing out that “we are very happy to start this delivery of computers; Today is the first milestone, but we have scheduled deliveries until September 6 of the 4,570 computers throughout the region.” Along with this, she called on families and students to be calm because the calls will come from their schools.

This was also reinforced by the mayor of Chillán Viejo, who thanked Junaeb and the Ministry of Education for the delivery of these computers, which “may be the first for many families in the region. There are 168 families in the commune that have students in seventh grade who are going to receive the computer. Today, we have given 24 students their computers, and on August 23, in the municipal gym, we will do it to the rest of the students of the municipalized system of the commune. We believe that each of these numbers has to do with the same number of families that today should be very happy, and students that are going to have better performance”.

The Junaeb Scholarship Program for Access to Technology, Information and Communications (ICT) consists of providing the beneficiary student with a set of ICT tools for study, which correspond to a computer (notebook) or its equivalent, with software , digitized information or content and internet connectivity. The program also allocates Internet for 12 months, and other intelligent software that is configured as a tool for them to strengthen their capacities and thus reduce the existing digital divide in the country.

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