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They delay the Mexican vaccine; promise was to have it this year

The director of National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Arturo Reyes Sandovalacknowledged that it will be until the first half of 2023 when he could count on the Mexican Patria vaccine, against Covid-19 and not this year as the president had informed, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“I calculate that these trials that are being announced, working, constantly recruiting volunteers, I calculate that this number of volunteers will be recruited this year and we hope that the levels of antibodies induced by the vaccine, the vaccines can be measured this year as to have that development”, he explained.

“-Could there be a vaccine for next year? I believe that there can be a Homeland vaccine for the year 2023.

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-In the first or second semester? It would be difficult to put a date, but let’s say that by the middle of 2023 we should already have this vaccine, ”he replied to the questions asked by 24 HOURS.

In April 2021, the director of the Conacyt, Maria Elena Alvarez Buylla assured that Homeland it would be ready towards the end of last year; even a month later, when participating in the Global Health Summit with leaders of G-20 The President announced that 30% of the production of the Patria vaccine would go to the countries that require it.

López Obrador even announced that the Patria vaccine was close to being approved; however, in his Third Government Report, The president changed the date and said that “next year (2022) we will have the vaccine Homeland”; although the response of the volunteers to carry out the tests has not been favorable to achieve the validation of the tests.

Between May 24 and August 20, 2021, 153 volunteers were evaluated, of which two withdrew and 49 were excluded for not meeting the established criteria, leaving only 91 volunteers to receive the inoculation of the biological developed for the homeland vaccine.

In this regard, the director of IPNacknowledged that it has been difficult to recruit volunteers for clinical trials, explained that they will look for options to receive approval, in this sense he said that one of the ways in which vaccines can be licensed is “through immunological trials, that is, already We do not need to know in how many people the infection is prevented, but to know the levels of antibodies”.

The study tries to clarify if the Patria vaccine induces the same level of antibodies as the AstraZeneca, Pfizer or other vaccines that are already being applied in the country, and if this protection is sufficient to determine its efficiency.


This Sunday, 839 new cases of Covid-19 were reported, with which Mexico accumulates a total of 5 million 666 thousand 215 infections. While so far the pandemic 323 thousand 223 deaths are accumulated due to this disease.

The active pandemic is located at 8 thousand 998 people and so far 85 million 626 thousand 774 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19.


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