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“They cut off a child before my eyes.” Horrible testimonies from the land where the Islamists rose

Testimony of the horrors that have taken place in Mozambique in recent years has come from British humanitarian aid organization Save the Children. Her deputies were in contact with displaced families, who spoke about the horrific scenes they witnessed.

The 28-year-old woman and three other children hid near the spot where Ash-Shabab militants had killed her eldest son.

“Our village was attacked that night, they set houses on fire. When it started, I was at home with my four children. We tried to escape to the woods, but they took my oldest son and beheaded him. There was nothing we could do, otherwise they would have killed us as well, “said the mother, whom the organization named Elsu.

Another woman, whom Save the Children called Amelia, said Islamists had murdered her 11-year-old son. “After he was killed, we fled to another village to my father’s, but the attacks began a few days later,” said Amelia, who now lives in her brother’s house with her three children.

According to a non-profit organization ACAPS almost 670,000 people fled their homes due to the Islamist uprising. Specifically from the Cabo Delgado area, which is rich in natural gas. And where the insurgents connected to the so-called Islamic State, a terrorist organization from the Middle East, settled.

In 2020 alone, 580,000 of them fled here due to growing violence by Islamists. Their attacks are characterized by unprecedented brutality – decapitation is a kind of identification. In April, for example, gunmen according to the British BBC they murdered more than 50 people on a football field in one of the villages in the north of the country – they cut off everyone’s heads and then cut the rest of their bodies.

In all, according to available information, a total of about 2,700 people died in the violence. Due to ties to the Islamic State, the United States has designated Mozambican Islamist militias a terrorist organization.

Temporary housing for displaced families.

The US Embassy in Southeast Africa has also pledged assistance from US Special Forces to help train the Mozambican Navy. The USA will also supply medical devices to the country, among other things.

However, the conflict in Mozambique is not black and white. Organization Earlier this month, Amnesty International published a report pointing out that war crimes were committed by all parties to the conflict. So not only opposition Islamists, but also the Mozambican government and private militias hired by the cabinet.

“All three parties have committed war crimes and killed hundreds of civilians. The international community has failed to resolve the crisis, and it has fully developed into an armed conflict over the past three years, “said Depros Muchen, who heads the organization’s program in East and South Africa, according to AI. The Mozambican cabinet rejected such allegations.

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