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They criticize the New York governor for not including enough measures to help migrants in his agenda

EFE.- Advocacy groups for migrants in New York criticized the Democratic governor Kathy Hochul for failing to include in its annual work agenda specific measures sufficient for them, including the nearly 30,000 asylum seekers who have arrived in recent months.

The New York Immigration Coalition (New York), which includes approximately 200 organizations across the state, has recognized the commitments of Hochulof the moderate wing of the Democratic partyin some matters important to the migrantsbut he underscored their lack of support for legislation important to this community.

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New York He called for passage of a bill called “Access to Representation,” which would give the right to a public defender to any person in New York facing deportation, as well as allocating a budget of 100 million dollars to avoid the risk of families being “cruelly separated”.

The group also stated that Hochul engage in another bill called “New York for All” that would ban state and local law enforcement agencies from cooperating with the federal immigration authority (ICE) revealing information that could lead to deportation.

“Also, the lack of investment in health coverage for all new yorkersregardless of your legal status, that’s no small oversight in light of the current pandemic and our communities’ contributions to maintaining New York open for business,” indicates a note.

One of the largest organizations, Make the waywith 25,000 members, he also recalled that migrants have been at the forefront of the pandemic over the past three years and have particularly suffered from the housing crisis while being excluded from unemployment benefits or health coverage.

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“The governor should also support raising taxes on new yorkers richer people to finance housing, healthcare, education (including adult education) and vital legal services needs,” explains a statement from this body.

Brad Lander, the mayor of the city of New Yorkwhich welcomed thousands of migrants sent by bus from the south United States of Americahe also echoed these statements, highlighted the migration history of the city, and said that the state government needs to allocate more funds to provide shelter and services to newcomers.

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