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They catch three people who stole 52 cell phones in Pa’l Norte

It seems that they were not listening to Julieta Venegas

Gandalla Festival.- They caught three people who were stealing cell phones at the Pal’ Norte festival, and it’s not because they’re tarnished, but they were all from the Mexico City.

The events occurred on the first day of the festival after several of the attendees denounced that their phone had been “blown away”, it was there where the AState Investigation Agency (AEI) he put himself “at the shot to find those responsible.

These little angels had just stolen 52 cell phones

There were a total of 52 cell phones that two women and a man had taken from those present, and just when they were already winning, the AEI authorities stopped them to “tilt” them and that was where they found the pot of gold at the end. of the rainbow

It was learned that these thieves operated taking advantage of the disorder of the crowd to remove the devices (that is, cell phones) from people’s bags, and it seems that they will spend a good time without being able to have a “guajolota” or a lactoseless quesadilla with cuitlacoche .

The way in which these individuals were caught was through the satellite location of the same stolen cell phones, since the complainants had other devices that allowed them to track their lost cell phones in space; and just like that it was that they found the thieves.

Once arrested, the three individuals were presented before the Attorney General’s Office of Justice of the State of Nuevo León, which informed those affected that they could go to the facilities of the Fundidora Park Mobile Complaint Center to recover their extracted cell phone, and to see if it does not fill up with more than 52 people who also “lost ” his cellphone.

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