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They carry out another protest in states against the AMLO government

A caravan of motorists demonstrated this afternoon on the main streets of the capital of Guanajuato to demand the resignation of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“Get out AMLO; resign ”, was one of the main slogans of the protesters, who honked the horns of their cars. Motorists rebuked that the government is sunk like never before “in unemployment, hunger and violence.”

Also read: They protest against AMLO policies

In Yucatan they also manifest

About a thousand vehicles made up an Anti-amlo caravan in Yucatan, protesting the measures adopted by the current government.

The nonconformists and members of the National Anti-AMLO Front (FRENA), gathered in the outskirts of Mérida and circulated with placards of protests to the Monument to the Fatherland, in Paseo de Montejo.

Also read: AMLO asks supporters not to make caravans of cars in favor of the 4T

They assured that this was the third caravan in Yucatan and that they will continue with that movement.

In Chiapas

Chiapanecos Dissatisfied with the government of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador this Saturday they joined the third vehicular caravan, which concentrated about 80 vehicles that were deployed from the west to the center and ended at the Diana Cazadora monument, in the eastern sector of the capital of Chiapas.

In protest, the nonconformists honked the horns of their vehicles and placed cardboard against the government.

In Tamaulipas

With a caravan of more than 100 vehicles, citizens of Ciudad Victoria participated in the third protest against the administration of the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The protesters gathered in the parking lot of a shopping center and began the tour at 6:00 p.m., at Calle Cero and Berriozábal.

“AMLO Vete Ya”, “Fuera AMLO” and “Fuera López Obrador” were the phrases that were most frequently repeated on the cardboard that motorists placed in their vehicles.

*** With information from Carlos Arrieta, Yazmín Gutiérrez, Óscar Gutiérrez and Roberto Aguilar


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