The National Civil Police (PNC) captured two gang members who are known extortionists from the El Tránsito canton, Talnique, La Libertad.
This is Marlon Geovanni Cruz Hernández, alias Hueso, who was denounced for demanding $500 from the owners of a business in the area. Also, Emerson Edilberto Ramírez Rodríguez, alias Seco, who is linked to thefts and assault points.
According to reports from police authorities, both gang members are members of the MS13 criminal structure, who are profiled as homeboys.
According to the investigations, these individuals were in charge of threatening the victims so that they would not report them to the authorities, however, those affected filed a call to the PNC.
#capture #renowned #extortionists #Talnique #Libertad #Diario #Página