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They capture one of the most wanted for homicide in Cesar

The National Police reported the capture of one of the most wanted subjects for the crime of homicide in the department of Cesar, this is Jorge Luis Corpas Mejía, Alias: Yoryi, 30 years old, who has notes for prisoner escape on 02/21 /2022, and homicide 02/20/2020, this person is linked to the events in which José Eduardo lost his life on 02/20/2020 in the municipality of Tamalameque.

Likewise, the authorities highlighted that the victim on the day of the events was traveling on a motorcycle on the road that leads from Tamalameque to the Bank, Madgalena, when she was approached by gunmen and in the middle of an argument they shot her.

According to the Police commander in this department, Colonel Eduardo Chamorro, the captured person was a hitman in the service of the AGC.

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