Faced with the Isapres Association’s criticism of the short law, the Minister General Secretary of Government, Camila Vallejo, assured that “it’s a shame” because “the Isapres They cannot expect the Government to accompany them in the idea of breaching the ruling of the Supreme Court”.
“If we had wanted a widespread bankruptcy of the Isapreswe would have mandated immediate compliance with the ruling and immediate application,” he added.
In dialogue with Bio Bio Chile, he expressed that the matter has been taken seriously to “comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling” and “not allow space for salvages with personal taxes.
LThe minister ruled out a “pardon” because it would mean that “those abusive and inappropriate charges are not returned” to those affected.
“It does not have to do with an ideological discussion” but rather “very pragmatic to meet the need of users to be returned abusive charges, through formulas that the Isapres themselves have to propose,” he said.
Asked about what was said by the Isapres union, Vallejo indicated that “Deep down is that we make a rescue and there is no room for a rescue” because “this cannot be assumed by those who pay taxes today.”
In this sense, he stated that “This crisis was not generated by this government, it is not generated by the Supreme Courtis related to a business model that was detected and prosecuted for charges that were inappropriate”
From the Association of Isapres they indicated that the short law that seeks to give viability to the Supreme Court ruling, “denotes an absolute indolence with the users of the health system, the beneficiaries of isapre and in particular with the sick.”
Regarding returns, those that exceed one trillion pesos, which are “false” and that “would never come to fruition, since their mere application makes it impossible to comply with the contracts, leaving almost three million people defenseless.”
According to the private providers, with the short law it is “disguising” a closure by the secretariat of the private system, and therefore, promoting “the forced transfer of people to Fonasa, which is not enough to serve them.”