Home » World » They call on organizations and institutions to register their activities for Heritage Day – 2024-04-21 22:33:32

They call on organizations and institutions to register their activities for Heritage Day – 2024-04-21 22:33:32

With a guided visit to the deposit of archaeological collections of the Regional Museum of Rancagua, the launch of Heritage Day, which is celebrated on May 25 and 26 throughout the country, was held in O’Higgins.

At the site, the regional authorities headed by the Presidential Delegate of O’Higgins, Fabio López, the mayor of Doñihue, Pabla Ponce; the ministers of Cultures, Flor Ilic and, of Government, Carlos Carrasco, in addition to the regional director of Heritage, Leslie Araya and the coordinator of Volunteering and Citizen Participation of Injuv, Pía Ibarra, gave details of what the activity will be.

And next May, Heritage Day celebrates 25 years of bringing heritage closer to the community, being the most important cultural event in the country where, free of charge, everyone can encounter the various heritages present in Chile.

Therefore, the Presidential Delegate of O’Higgins, Fabio López, said “the O’Higgins Region is the third region with the most activities registered last year, being only surpassed by the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso. We had 1,430 organizations and/or spaces that registered to participate, developing 2,638 activities, both in-person and virtual, such as talks, conversations, seminars, meetings with artists and cultists, samples, exhibitions, fairs, storytelling, concerts, dances, plays. , and audiovisual exhibitions. All of this demonstrates the interest that the community arouses in attending and being part of Heritage Day, and that is why we are organizing a series of activities so that this year families can get even closer to the heritage of our region.”


Meanwhile, the Seremi of Cultures and Heritage Flor Ilic, announced that “all organizations and institutions that want to participate in Heritage Day can register their activities until May 2 at www.diadelospatrimonios.cl where they will be registered and disseminated to the community, because this 2024 is special since we celebrate 25 years celebrating the heritage of Chile. Today we call on all people, groups, organizations and municipalities to join this great celebration and we hope to upload a large number of activities to the diadelospatrimonios.cl page so that the community is informed and attends them, because our region always “It has stood out for the motivation of people to visit our heritage, which places us among the regions with the most visits and activities in the country.”

In its previous version, the activity, at the national level, had a billboard of 2,177 virtual and in-person activities that attracted more than 2 million 431 thousand visits. Of these, 1.2 million correspond to people who attended tours, openings of monuments, visits to museums and different initiatives throughout the country.

At this point, the Regional Director of the Heritage Service, Leslie Araya, said that “Among the activities we want to highlight that in O’Higgins there is a diversity of heritage areas and all these manifestations are displayed for Heritage Day. Note that Saturday will be the milestone activity of the day associated with the intangible cultural heritage that is the Traditional Chilean Circus that will take place in Doñihue. Additionally, together with the Sewell Foundation and Codelco, we will have different activities at the Sewell camp, a world heritage site. In Rancagua you will find a variety of activities, interactive patios, exhibitions, talks and initiatives that will be shared, for this it is important that you register on the site www.diadelospatrimonios.cl and the sooner you share your activities, the more dissemination we will have.

Regarding that, the mayor of Doñihue, Pabla Ponce, announced that her commune is ready for this celebration “Doñihue is full of traditions, and this has given it international renown, not only for its chamantos, crafts, liquors and its culture in general, also for its people, and for the same reason we promise a weekend full of activities at the Rinconada de Doñihue sports complex, with a circus, artisans from the Mauricio Pichuante Artisan Entrepreneurship Center and routes to our parish that turns 200 years old and Much more”.

For his part, the Seremi of Government, Carlos Carrasco indicated that “From now on the Seremi of Government will be open that day with the building of the former Government that the Plaza de los Héroes de Rancagua has a series of emblematic elements in what It is the construction of our memory and all the activities that we are preparing as a Government for these dates are free. We invite you so that you can take this journey through our past to process our present and better project our future.”

It should be noted that on this anniversary, the country-level event will present as its main innovations the internationalization of its experience, in collaboration with organizations that work on heritage worldwide, and the opening to virtual platforms that – for the next 25 years – accompany people in their daily and intimate spaces, providing more spaces for civic and cultural coexistence that build more community.


For this 2024, as in previous versions, it is expected to call one thousand heritage volunteers, who must be people of legal age, especially young people between 18 and 29 years old, and the application process will be carried out directly or through the INJUV portal www. injuv.gob.cl.

Heritage volunteers will receive training on transformative volunteering topics and on the history of Heritage Day, introduction to cultural heritage and roles of volunteering.

In addition, they will receive official Heritage Day 2024 volunteer clothing, food during the day, a certificate for their participation as a volunteer and accident insurance coverage for the days of volunteering on the days of the event.

The tasks that volunteers can carry out are Heritage Mediation, Heritage Guide, Logistical Support or Information Agent and to be part of the Heritage Day volunteering you must apply through the form that Injuv has available.

This was indicated by the National Coordinator of Volunteering and Citizen Participation of Injuv, Pia Ibarra “Invite those who can join this party as volunteers. Heritage volunteering allows us to encourage citizen participation and connect people with the heritage history of their communities and this year we are inviting not only young people to join the volunteering, but everyone who wishes to do so. We invite you to go to www.injuv.gob.cl so that you can apply until May 2 and can participate as guides, mediators, supports, so that on May 25 and 26 we can join in this Heritage festival.”

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