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They call for marches in front of Congress during the opening of sessions that Milei will lead | For and against

This Friday night, the Congress it will be scene of demonstrations for and against President Javier Mileiwhat At 9 p.m. he will open the 142nd period of ordinary sessions with a speech in which he will outline the objectives of his Government. It will be the first time that the president speaks to the legislators from the premises, since on the day of his inauguration he decided not to address parliament and express his first words as president from the Congress esplanade, “facing the people.” .

As reported on social networks, militants of La Libertad Avanza They will concentrate that day on the around Congress to give their support to the far-right. “This Friday at 9 p.m. @JMilei will expose the entire caste and how they contributed for years to stealing several points from the GDP. Obviously the militancy will be outside the premises banking as always,” published the Líderes Liberales account, which brings together followers of the party from the Greater Buenos Aires and Federal Capital area.

There will also be mobilizations against it. Among the conveners are the Piquetera Unit and others leftist organizationswhat They will demonstrate in rejection of the adjustment plan that is leaving thousands of Argentinians in poverty. “We are going to be in Congress on Friday at 9 p.m. with a big march and a massive cacerolazo to express our rejection of this war plan that the Milei government is carrying out against the workers“said the leader of the Workers’ Party, Gabriel Solano.

“From the Piquetera Unit we are going to mobilize. The schedule doesn’t mattereven if it is at night to prevent the popular sectors that live in remote neighborhoods from attending, in any case we are going to carry out a mobilization,” he said in dialogue with Telam the leader of the Polo Obrero (PO), Eduardo Belliboni.

Los deputies nationals of the Left Front, meanwhile, They confirmed that they will converge with the street demonstrations once the legislative assembly is over.

On social networks, several users also anticipated that they will be present to carry out a cacerolazo like those that took place during the month of December to reject DNU 70/23. “We are asking that both chambers in Congress reject the DNU to guarantee the realization of the rights of the Argentine people and the defense of sovereignty,” said Pablo Sercovich, coordinator of the Federal Multisectorial Roundtable, one of the organizations that promotes the cacerolazo.

Previously, from 5:30 p.m. a “molinetazo“at train stations Eleven, Retirement and Constitution to protest against the increase in transportation and ask for an educational ticket. The activity is promoted by the student commission of the Unidxs x la Cultura space, student centers, teaching unions, cultural sectors and neighborhood assemblies of the City.

Opening of legislative sessions

The national Government made official this Tuesday, in the Official Gazette, the call for the opening of a new period of ordinary sessions of the National Congress, which will take place this March 1 at 9 p.m.

It is intended that the greatest number of Argentines can listen to the President after their work hours, in an unprecedented event in Argentine history,” explained presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni regarding the time change, which was traditionally at 12 noon.

After the President decided at his inauguration on December 10 not to address the parliamentarians inside the premises and speak from the Congress esplanade “facing the people”, deputies and senators live with anticipation for what will be the first speech of the incumbent of the Executive Branch before them, where the 142nd period of ordinary sessions of the National Congress will be inaugurated.

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