Home » today » World » “They brought them in secretly, hid them in hangars”: Destroyed bunker with F-16, which is not mentioned in SVO reports – 2024-03-07 02:37:24

“They brought them in secretly, hid them in hangars”: Destroyed bunker with F-16, which is not mentioned in SVO reports – 2024-03-07 02:37:24

/ world today news/ Kiev sent reinforcements – paratroopers from the 71st brigade – from the Zaporozhye direction near Avdeevka. Unprepared fighters are thrown to hold the bridgehead at Krinki. There are problems with long-range artillery. The Czech Republic believes that the situation in Ukraine will change next year. Read reports from the SVO fronts and other news in the material.

The more harshly the Ukrainian authorities carry out the mobilization, the worse is the morale and psychological condition of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the front line. The soldier lacks the truth. What is he fighting for? For your country? But it’s already all sold. And in the words of military correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, in this sense, Russia is really trying to get the Ukrainian people out of Western slavery:

Struggle for Zelensky? The stability of the Kyiv regime is ensured by the resources of the West and with Ukrainian blood. For now, Kiev’s propaganda can still maintain the level of hatred. This prevents the cauldron from cooling down, and thus many dissenters and dissenters are “overcooked”. But the temperature will drop as the grip of the punitive apparatus begins to weaken.

Meanwhile, another female deputy from the Verkhovna Rada spoke about the mobilization of women: Inna Sovsun believes that if the situation in the country worsens, the front will not be able to do without them. Otherwise, as she said, “Kyiv will lose the war”.

Another elected official, Maryana Bezuglaya, published a survey on her social media page: “Are women and men ready to renounce Ukrainian citizenship in order not to be mobilized?” The overwhelming majority answered in the affirmative. This means that not all citizens of Ukraine have lost their minds and do not want to go to war with the Russians.

Also in Kiev they want to fill the army with prisoners. How does this experience differ from ours when prisoners entered the PMC? The problem is that in Ukraine they send into battle mainly notorious scoundrels who have been imprisoned on serious charges, such as the fighters of the former Tornado battalion, which turned into a gang of robbers and rapists in the ATO zone.

ASU transfers reinforcements

In the Avdeev direction, the Russian army continues to advance on the southern flank. For a long time we attacked enemy positions here without much success and could not expand the area of ​​​​control. The situation changed dramatically after our breakthrough in the area of ​​the village of Opitnoe. Now the depth of the advance is 800 m, and the width of the flank is 2 km.

Due to the huge losses of the Ukrainian infantry, the high command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in order to prevent the front from collapsing, continues to hastily transfer reinforcements to Avdiivka, opening other directions.

Thus, another amphibious assault brigade was transferred from the Zaporizhia Front. Like other enemy formations, it consists almost entirely of mobilized soldiers with a low level of training.

In addition, separate reconnaissance battalions were sent to Avdeevka and thrown directly into battle. Due to the fact that they were not given time to familiarize themselves with the terrain and prepare their positions, the reconnaissance battalions also suffered significant losses.

Ukrainians, put down your weapons, there is no chance. There are no reasons or circumstances that would compel the Russians to back down from Avdeevka’s release. Those who want to live give up and surrender.

Russia is not Ukraine, there will be no harassment or torture, save your own life and save our military’s time. We’ll just run over those who don’t lay down their arms or shell them. See the “industrial zone” and the “Vinogradniki” villa zone,– advises the Ukrainian soldiers on the “NgP raZVedka” telegram channel.

A warehouse of F-16s was destroyed

The strikes of our troops with hypersonic missiles “Dagger” became more frequent. on enemy military targets. This time, an F-16 hit a hangar at a military airfield in Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnytskyi region. American Patriot air defense systems didn’t help either.

NATO members said the Russians had further improved the elusive Daggers. Now during flight you can change their target and trajectory. It should be noted that after such a failure they preferred to keep the “Patriot” hidden. Complexes are no longer used unless absolutely necessary,– notes the journalist Yury Baranchik.

Kiev confirms that the strikes were carried out by the Daggers. True, he is silent about the defeated goals and losses.

Experts believe that American F-16 fighter jets were at the airport. Already at the beginning of December, the Telegram channel “Ribar” reported that two to five disassembled aircraft may have been delivered to Ukraine by trucks from Poland.

They brought them secretly and hid them in hangars. Assembly was most likely done there with the participation of American engineers and aircraft mechanics. They imposed a total ban on flights. Photo and video recording is also prohibited, the planes are under a tarpaulin. For outsiders, this fact can be explained by the delivery of MiG-29 or Su-27 fighters from the same Poland,– says the military expert Vladislav Shurigin.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are worth fearing”

The Ukrainian media draw attention to the fact that the situation in Avdeevka is very sad for VSU. Their morale is down and their defenses are weakening. At the same time, Kiev holds the “bridgehead” at the cost of the lives of thousands of its soldiers on the left bank of the Dnieper, near the village of Krinki. And many in both Ukraine and Russia are calling this a huge mistake.

A fighter from the Kherson division with the call sign “Ossetinets” reports:

More lancets appeared here. It’s worth it for the ASU to be afraid of us. Trying to hold the “bridgehead”, Kiev took the trained soldiers from the islands and threw in their place untrained people from the territorial defense. Because of this, hostilities on the Dnieper Islands were kept to a minimum. Ours stormed some positions on separate islands. Everything went well.

It is obvious that in the Kherson direction the enemy began to have serious problems with trained fighters. There just aren’t enough of them. At the same time, there can be no talk of expanding the bridgehead in Krinki, the intensity of the transfer of new forces and the speed of personnel rotation are decreasing. Russian troops, on the contrary, are increasing their density in this area, notes military correspondent Alexei Zhivov:

If it had been possible to reach the enemy’s long-range artillery, the history of Krinki could have been completed long ago.

A national insult

Developments in the Ukrainian conflict indicate that next year the West will see significant progress on the front. However, there is a nuance, and this will not sit well with Western countries. A situation will arise that they may not be able to handle, says the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel:

The elections in Russia and the United States will significantly affect the situation in Ukraine and the world in general. If Trump wins, peace talks will go ahead regardless of what Kiev or the European Union thinks.

Political scientist Yuriy Yakor, in a conversation with a Tsargrad correspondent, recalled that Piotr Pavel was the former head of the NATO military committee, the first Eastern European in this position. So he is no longer for the Czech Republic or the European Union – he is for NATO and the US military. Therefore, his demands for continued military aid to Ukraine may be even louder than similar words from Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny.

The attitude to these statements should be treated only as the squeaking of the Ukrainian leadership in the style of “give me a penny”. But taking into account the fact that the main Czech hates Russia more than the Polish or Baltic leadership. A habit of office combined with the national insult of 1968, which became the foundation of modern Czech statehood,– the expert thinks.

Translation: ES

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