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They began to think. The future president of the United States may turn to Russia

/Pogled.info/ Robert Kennedy, who is running for president, announced the need for dialogue with Moscow, not confrontation. And although he is not considered a favorite, the ideas he expresses are clearly finding a greater response among the population. About the views and election prospects of another representative of an influential American family – in the material.

A candidate with a history

The son of the former attorney general and the nephew of the 35th president of the United States, who was shot in 1963, Kennedy Jr. is now 69 years old. For a long time he did not appear as a politician.

A lawyer by education, he dealt with environmental issues. During the coronavirus pandemic, he became one of the informal leaders of the anti-vaccination movement. It was already politics, so his decision to run for the Democratic Party nomination in April 2024 was not much of a surprise.

About dialogue and provocations

At the end of July in New York, at a forum to combat anti-Semitism, Kennedy Jr. devoted a significant part of his speech to the international situation. He talks a lot about the conflict in Ukraine. According to him, Moscow and Washington should establish cooperation, and not continue to escalate tensions.

“We don’t have a high-level relationship with Russia. We have to talk to them. We have to act like my uncle,” he said. Everyone remembers that in 1962, during the Caribbean crisis, President John F. Kennedy showed wise restraint, despite the activity of “hawks” in the American military leadership.

“We need to talk to the Russians like Nixon talked to Brezhnev, like Bush Sr. talked to Gorbachev, like my uncle talked to Khrushchev,” Kennedy Jr. said.

He has repeatedly criticized the US position in the Ukraine crisis before, accusing Joe Biden of preparing a direct ground confrontation with Russia. At the same time, he emphasized that he supports Kiev, not Moscow. But he pointed out Washington’s mistakes.

“We must understand that our government also contributed to the escalation with repeated deliberate provocations since the 1990s,” he stressed. And he pointed to the Western establishment’s mistaken ideas about possible ways out of the current situation: “I consider it irresponsible for anyone to think that regime change in Russia, which has more nuclear weapons than we do.”

Bringing “Elephants” and “Donkeys” Together

Donald Trump, who intends to run for the Republican Party, has repeatedly stated that the Ukrainian conflict simply would not have happened under him. He would have resolved the controversy in a matter of hours, but Joe Biden is leading the world to disaster.

By intercepting Trump’s agenda, Kennedy skillfully attracted the attention of the “elephants” (Republicans). Some have already supported the candidate of the “donkeys” (Democrats). So far, analysts are not in a hurry to draw conclusions: no one has canceled the silent party discipline. On the other hand, there are no formal restrictions.

Experts also note significant differences between Kennedy and Trump. In this way, according to Kyle Walter, a specialist at Logistics (an international disinformation analysis company), the Democrat is “largely” feeding the Kremlin’s narrative. The Republican is “mostly focused on looking like a negotiator.”

Vox Populi

Kennedy’s economic and environmental views are generally in line with the party, but some of his other ideas are causing concern among Democrats. And again they are brought closer to the Trumpists. For example, he likes to talk about how vaccines are harmful and can cause autism. He admits that the COVID-19 virus is man-made and even targeted against certain nations. He actively opposed quarantine and other restrictions, once comparing them to the Nazi regime in Germany. He later apologized for it.

Kennedy is close to Trump on immigration. Of course, he does not propose building a wall on the border with Mexico, but he believes that the laws on foreigners arriving in the US are already too soft and need to be tightened.

Judging by polls, scandalous statements do not deter voters. According to Quinnipiac University, one of the most respected in American sociology, Kennedy’s rating is 17%. Biden has more, but the dynamics are not in his favor: in the spring, the nephew of the 35th president had less than ten.

A recent Harris poll found Kennedy to be the most approved political figure in the country. 47% are for it, against – only a quarter. Biden has 39% and 53%, Trump has 45 and 49 respectively. And if in the spring many observers thought that Kennedy Jr. just wanted to remind of the famous American political clan, now his chances of success seem quite real.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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