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They authorize the Covid-19 vaccine for babies from 6 months

After approval in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it was a matter of time before Argentina decided to endorse the Covid-19 vaccination for girls and boys from 6 months of age. That happened today: the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, authorized the application of doses against the Coronavirus of vaccines already approved in the US for the minor population.

As reported, as of the week of July 25, 1,400,000 doses of this North American vaccine will begin to arrive, which has already been authorized by the ANMAT for that age group.

Until now, the latest development had been the authorization at the end of May of this year, of the authorization of the booster dose for children between 5 and 11 years of age. Now not only will children under 5 be able to access, but even those between 6 months and 3 years old will be immunized with their first dose.

This is not only important for children in general, but above all for girls and boys with risk factors, many of whom continue to be quarantined more than two years after the pandemic and who have hardly been talked about in this weather.

In mid-June, the FDA urgently authorized Moderna’s two-dose vaccine for girls and boys ages six months to five years. Meanwhile, Pfizer’s, this time in three doses, can be used between six months and 4 years.

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