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They ask that the CEIP Virgen del Valle de Lucena not suppress a line of Children

They ask that the CEIP Virgen del Valle de Lucena not suppress a line of Children./Photo: CSIF

They ask that the CEIP Virgen del Valle de Lucena not suppress a line of Children./Photo: CSIF
They ask that the CEIP Virgen del Valle de Lucena not suppress a line of Children./Photo: CSIF

CSIF and CCOO have accompanied this Friday representatives of the Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students (AMPA) “Open School” of the CEIP Virgin of the Valley of Lucena in the act of delivery of about 2,000 signatures in the Territorial Delegation of Education and Sports to express their rejection of the intention of the Administration to suppress a line of Children the next school year.

The president of the aforementioned AMPA, Maria Jose Munoz considers that “This line should not be eliminated because 50 vacancies were offered and they have not been covered, expanding the classrooms to three in other centers while we have been left with only one”. This group recalls that in the school there are six students with special needs who are left without teacher support due to this decision, which causes enormous concern among families.

Muñoz underlines that “with the second line, the center would have the capacity to receive the sons and daughters of agricultural seasonal workers who come to the municipality throughout the year. We do not understand why the Delegation takes this decision when the Municipal School Council determined that all schools would have at least 50 places in Infants”, emphasizes the AMPA representative.

The head of the Education Sector of CSIF Córdoba, Antonio Pachon, points out that “we show all our support to the educational community of the CEIP Virgen del Valle de Lucena and its claim so that unity is not suppressed, as we have been doing recently with the CEIP Camacho Melendo from Priego de Córdoba and Virgen de Luna from Pozoblanco”.

For his part, the General Secretary of the CCOO Teaching Union of Córdoba, Francis Cobos, remarks that “in the Lucena School Council it was agreed that the 50 registrations per center were going to be respected and we do not understand that the same criteria that do not work for the CEIP Camacho Melendo of Priego of Córdoba they do apply in Lucena”. For Cobos, “educational resources are going to be lost, now it is the loss of two teachers but in the long run it will mean the progressive closure of classrooms and the loss of 5 or 6 teachers with the loss of educational quality that this will entail.”

Given the seriousness of the situation for the families and teachers of the center, CSIF has sent a letter to request an urgent meeting with the territorial delegate for Education and Sports so that the regulations and characteristics of the center can be addressed with a 20 % of students, in which 20% of students who are going to attend school will already need resources for Attention to Diversity. “We cannot accept that the Educational Administration bets on an economic policy, always opting for the closure of units and the loss of teaching jobs instead of studying case by case, since we must remember that we are talking about families and students, and not simple numbers”, highlights Pachón.

In addition, the person in charge of CCOO affirmed that “this policy of closing classrooms only hides a progressive deterioration of public education with which we want to push families towards concerted and private education” and for this reason “we are going to be supporting families, so that their right to freely choose a center is respected but also so that resources are not continued to be stolen from public education in favor of concerted and private education”.

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