reportage.we will analyze the scope ofthis alleged fraud.the voices of those whonew york elections, afterthe mistake he made in the countof votes.romy cabral agreed with aanalyst on how this hasinfluenced the credibility ofthe results.romy: hours afterthey admitted to having counted135,000 test votes permistake, the board of electionsfrom new york revealed the newvote resultpreliminary electionsprimary, but the damage is already theredone. a poetic analyst, towho we consult, ensures thatfrequently and should bereformed.regardless of whathas happened in the lastweeks, this system had tohave been abolished and mustcreate a new structure thatbe similar to the campaign offinancing, a boardIndependent. they are extremelyromy: we have tried to getthe reaction of the board ofelections, but they said nobe horrible for twitterThey said that in addition toapologize, they ensure thatnew figures are correct.eight state legislatorsensures that the vote forclassification was not the causeof the error and that theNew Yorkers approve of the newsystem . according to a survey 83%of voters rankedless two candidates and 77%approved continues to be used infuture elections. even ifsome believe the vote forclassification, must beexamined.see if the system is thebest for new york. in otherscities works, maybe innew York.I notice all this that happened hasto be evaluated.romy: an organization ofNorth Carolina, which in Mayfacilitated the program forpublic that for months whooffers board trainingelections, but theproposal was ignored.a lawsuit was filed againstthe board of elections for theerror in the results.other legal actions couldarise once theofficial results mid