Two men were arrested for drug production, the police said.
On September 26, around 3:25 p.m., on the mezzanine floor in bl. 12 in the “Slaveykov” district, employees from the Second Regional Office – Burgas carried out an inspection of a 21-year-old citizen of Burgas, who threw out 19 rolls of dry green vegetable matter / marijuana / with a total weight of about 120 g.

During a search in the house of the burgher, located in bl. 107 in the “Slaveykov” complex, three rolls of a white powdery substance / cocaine/ with a total weight of about 10 grams were found and seized. The 21-year-old man was detained with a warrant for a period of up to 24 hours. Fast-track proceedings were initiated in the case.
On September 25, around 3:00 p.m. in the area next to bl. 40 in housing “Zornitsa” employees from the Fifth District Administration – Burgas carried out an inspection of a 42-year-old citizen of Burgas, finding and seizing a bag with a white crystalline substance /methamphetamine/, a hand-rolled cigarette with green dry leaf mass /marijuana/ and a bag with green dry inflorescence heads grass mass / marijuana/ with a total weight of about 1 g.

During a search of the Burgazlia’s house, located in the “Dolno Ezerovo” quarter, more heads of green dry grass mass /marijuana/ with a total weight of about 5 grams were found. The Burgazlia was detained with a police warrant for detention for a period of up to 24 hours. Fast-track proceedings were initiated in the case.
#arrested #men #drug #production