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“They are more like the flu, that’s why they affect more people”

Las new subvariants of Omicron are much more contagious than the previous ones and although its effects are milder than before “the booster dose in the fall” of the vaccine against covid-19 “nobody takes it away from us”.

This is what Dr. Vicente Soriano believes, a specialist in infectious diseases and professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the International University of La Rioja, who has detailed that the subvariants that prevail right now Omicron “they are called BA4 and BA5” but “the possibilities of others appearing are infinite”.

These subvariants “They are more like the virus of the gripeassures this specialist because “they attack the respiratory tract” and “they cause fewer lung problems” and “for that very reason, they affect more people” than previous variants and subvariants “but they have fewer effects” and “if more people go to hospitals it is because they have other pathologies and they are referred by protocol,” he considers.

He believes that in these two years “we have learned a lot about the virus” so much so that “I think we know what it can give of itself and that the worst face of the pandemic has passedwhich is going to remain just another flu”, especially if “we comply with simple matters, such as the social distance and be vaccinated”.

“We will have to accept having booster dose and the autumn one, I don’t think anyone will take it away from us”, insists this specialist in infectious diseases, especially in HIV, detailing that there are studies according to which “immunity against covidfor the vaccine or for having passed it, is lost after months which “makes it evident that these doses are going to be necessary”.

The effectiveness of other measures against the spread of the coronavirus, such as recovering the face mask for the entire population, because “the step of removing it has already been taken and going back is very difficult” so “perhaps it is better to focus the message” and “say that it is better to be carried by vulnerable people and their families”.

“Now telling 18-year-olds that they have to put their masks back on is to burn the message in exchange for a minimal benefit, while the The focus must be placed on those who are most likely to be infected with serious consequences”Soriano considers.

For this reason, he believes that “when saying certain things, such as recommending the use of the mask, one must also have the exhaustion that society has” and “knowing that it is much better to focus the message on those who are most at risk”, he concluded.

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