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They are disappointed by the lack of FFVII Remake on Xbox

When it was revealed that the exclusivity of Final Fantasy VII Remake for PS4 it would be a year, many expected that at some point in 2021 Square Enix would announce the arrival of this game on Xbox consoles. However, we are in the middle of 2022, and this simply does not come true. With the event for the 25th anniversary of the PS1 classic yesterday, many expected that the release date of this remake for Xbox would be announced here, but, once again, fans were disappointed.

Through social networks, Xbox fans make their disappointment with Square Enix clear. However, hopes die last. Although there are those who see it as impossible for this to happen, there are others who point to the This year’s Tokyo Game Show as the event where the launch could be announced of this title on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, although nothing is certain.

“Xbox fans thinking about Final Fantasy.”

“Here’s a wild thought

Perhaps Crisis Core coming to Xbox will be the test game to see if Xbox gamers will actually go out and buy an FF game.

All the people who say “NO MORE SQUARE ENIX GAMES FOR ME ON XBOX” are the same people who will be shocked when it doesn’t happen in a year.”

However, Square Enix hasn’t completely forgotten about Xbox. During yesterday’s event it was also revealed Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, a remastering of the PSP classic that will come to Microsoft consoles. Although some may consider this a strange decision, considering that we are talking about the prequel to the remake, that you are not on their platforms, others have pointed out that if sales are positive, we could well see Final Fantasy VII Remake on Xbox in the future.

On the other hand, it has been revealed that Final Fantasy VII Rebirththe sequel to the 2020 Remake, will be available only on PS5 in late 2023. In related topics, you can learn more about the Crisis Core Remaster here. Similarly, Square Enix is ​​already working on the third part of this Remake trilogy.


Editor’s Note:

It’s a strange decision to take Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion no info on Remake on Xbox. At the end of the day, this could very well be a matter of how much the game will sell. Although Square Enix has brought several of their titles to Game Pass, they may not be willing to release this title on this service yet.

Via: Twitter

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