mariela salgado, newsUnivision 41, to class with himchancellor.adriana: mariela, manythanks.yesterday our joé palieri fromReview 41 investigate othertestimonies of inmates and theirfamily on assumptionsmistreatment in the archesnew city fedsyork. or tell us about theimpact this has oninmates and their loved ones.the last time i went tosee it was in February of the yearpast.February 2020.Imagine it, I haven’t since Marchto the hug, when I see it,I feel like I didn’t recognize it.joé: at the beginning of thepandemic arceles all overthe nacón adopted conditionsstrict wings to decrease thespread of the virus. forces tolet the inmates remain 23hours trapped in their cells,they do not allow visits.they are in a very situationsimilar to the isolation thatused to punish prisoners.joé:, we describe in thefirst part of ourinvestigation, family membersthey say the conditions areeven worse than it shouldbe in the federal treesfrom brooklyn and manhattan.these trees have not yetallowed video calls.the prisoner has thecapacity and equipment tomake calls and conferencesfor videos, they use it toconferences with the court,but they don’t use it forsocial visits as they doin other visions.they are going to be one year oldlocked up at 11’s too much for one beinghuman, I don’t want it to come outsick of mind with thattrauma of the confinement.joé: the virus has beenpropagating much aphid wingsinside this federal arcelin Brooklyn than out of it,and with the new mutacóninmate coronavirus esánwings desperate to see theirsfamilies, because they don’t know ifseá laúltima’s inhuman what they aredoing with them there, and theywhat they want is to cover the sunwith one finger, they don’t wantnobody see them.joé: while our callingreport a complaint arosethat increases the feeling ofdespair.does not have access to the boonemergency inside the cellbecause they have deactivated them, yeahhave a crisis, there is noway to let one knowof the guards quickly.he told me that thealarm that there was coronavirusAllah they turned everything offthat’s inhuman, I don’t understandwhy do they treat him there, becauseeven if they commit crimes, they arehuman beings as one, and they arepaying, no need tobe mistreatedpsychologically, is this forthat one go crazy?joé: this friday the buó deprisons told us that he revieweda new order from the presidentbiden that forced the wholestaff to registermasks. they informed us thatthe pressures should providedaily showers for inmates and thathas already begun to vaccinate them,but the office is clear becausethese local trees have notstarted making videocalls. in court lawyersrepresenting the bureau they have notindicated if you have plans toinitiate video calls, butesán installing linesadditional teleonics in thefifths, sixths and optimalfloors. we are aboutcontact heriberto, butsince we did not receive a response,we ask relativesof the message they have for him.understand that eachperson who is there has hisfamily, who loves and hopesfor them.and the relatives that we areoutside we suffer more than they,because when they tell us whatThis is happening, it is as if wethey were breaking the heartto us too, to yourfamily, they suffer so much,their relatives outside.we can all be verygood but we don’t know howwe will be’s easy to think aboutdifficult situation of these inmatesand say, “they deserve itworse because they committedevents “, but the true