Home » today » News » “They are abusing the tenant”: discontent in New York after the approval of the stabilized rent hike | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

“They are abusing the tenant”: discontent in New York after the approval of the stabilized rent hike | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

identity of the victim.Adriana: a true tragedy.new york tenants, thenthat the increase inrental rentalsstabilized.the decision also impactsthe landlords.what maybe abusing thetenant.liliana: outraged at theannual decision of the boardincome regulation of thenew york city ofincrease the cost of rentof rental apartmentsstabilized, affectingmillion residents.moreover, the landlordwants to take home to hischildren.with 40 years, all my lifehe wants to take it away from me, II’d rather be killed beforehave it taken away.right now I don’t have moneyto do it, and neither did she.we had a lot with theliliana: with five votes tofor and four against, theincome regulatory boardapproved that in contracts of afor the first six months,but that would increase to 1.5% perthe next six. theyear contracts, inseia increase of 2.5% andThey entered envigado not this oneIt is time to upload therents, say advocates oftenants.many people are going to beevicted.liliana: what can you do likeentity to reverse thissituation?we are ready to marchand where we have to go, togo outside to protest.liliana: the landlords tell usthat they can’t cope eitherto survive in thiseconomy.the organization that norepresents told newsUnivision 41, which oncethe board has failed to pass aright time for expensesin which owners ofapartments. it is understood thatthe tenants are suffering,but the government must provideassistance programs withother subsidies.York says you have rightsas a tenant, if you have aproblem or want to report aabuse, remember to callal 311.

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