Home » today » Business » They aimed at Russia, but hit the dollar – 2024-04-04 11:40:33

They aimed at Russia, but hit the dollar – 2024-04-04 11:40:33

/ world today news/ Today, for the first time since the beginning of the special military operation, Russian and American dignitaries will meet. They will not meet (although this is not excluded on the sidelines), namely that they will be at the same time in the same place. At a funeral – which is completely consistent with the state of Russian-American relations.

Foreign delegations gather in Abu Dhabi to bid farewell to the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The 73-year-old ruler was buried on Friday, the day of his death, according to Muslim custom. Naturally, there were no representatives of foreign countries, but now they will come to honor the memory of the president of the UAE.

Sheikh Khalifa ruled for 18 years, but the last eight of them, due to illness, only formally, and the country was actually led by his brother Mohammed.

The one who, during one of his visits to Russia, called our country his second home (it is no coincidence that in the UN Security Council, the Emirates was one of the three countries, along with China and India, that abstained from voting on a resolution condemning Russia). The one who, after February 24, refused a telephone conversation with Joe Biden, realizing that the American president would try to convince him to join the sanctions against Russia.

But the Emirates, like Saudi Arabia, will not at all play along with the Americans in their battle against Russia – on the contrary, their official neutrality can be called pro-Russian.

And now, when after the death of his brother Prince Mohammed became the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi and the President of the UAE, the Americans got the opportunity to talk with him. The states decided to use the funeral ceremony to the maximum – such a representative delegation from Washington has not yet been sent to any funeral.

No, Biden himself won’t be there — he’s still scheduled to fly to Tokyo and Seoul at the end of the week — but all key administration figures have been posted to Abu Dhabi.

The delegation was led by Vice President Kamala Harris and included Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and CIA Director William Burns. The high level does not show respect for the deceased Sheikh, but the great importance of the Emirates to the United States.

Not even the Emirates, but the Gulf countries, led by Saudi Arabia, whose de facto ruler Prince Mohammed will also arrive at the farewell ceremony

iya. The position of the Saudis and Emiratis in the current conflict between the US and Russia is of great importance – both because of the geopolitical weight and influence of these countries, and because most of the Arab and Islamic world is led by them.

The US, UK and EU have failed to try to change the position of China and India in terms of pressure on Russia, but the position of the 1.5 billion Muslim world is no less important. The American “magnificent four” have no chance to convince the two Mohammedans, but they will try with all their might.

Because almost three months of assembling an anti-Russian coalition showed what was clear from the first days: global isolation of Russia is not possible.

Moreover, the more the Americans exert pressure on the rest of the world, the more people want to move away from them at a safe distance, that is, to reduce their dependence on the United States and on the global financial system created by the Anglo-Saxons.

That is, attempts to isolate Russia are hitting the West itself, but the Atlanticists are not in a hurry to admit it. Although there is more and more evidence for this.

Take, for example, the US-ASEAN summit held recently in Washington. For the first time in several years, an American president met with the leaders of the Indochina Ten, one of the most important centers of the future multipolar world. The nearly 600 million ASEAN has not yet reached the level of European integration, but in economic terms it is striving for exactly that.

For the US, ASEAN is extremely important in the confrontation with China, but no one in Southeast Asia wants to become a hostage to the confrontation between the US and China. On the contrary, the more the United States plays the “China threat” card for the region, the more ASEAN seeks independence. And when Washington tries to add an anti-Russian agenda to the anti-Chinese agenda, everything becomes abundantly clear for the ASEAN countries.

US pressure on ASEAN for relations with Russia has not led to anything – in the final communiqué there is not a word about Ukraine and Russia, there is only an abstract call for respect for territorial integrity and an end to hostilities. Also, Philippine President Duterte did not come to Washington.

Yes, he formally apologized, saying that his successor had already been chosen – not at all the pro-American Ferdinand Marcos Jr. But in reality, the current president, who repeatedly scolded the Americans, simply did not want to visit the States (which he never visited – unlike Moscow). And this is the Philippines, actually an American colony in the past and the most pro-American country in the region.

Myanmar also had no leader – but Prime Minister General Min Aung Hlain, who came to power after the army overturned election results last year, is no longer recognized by the US itself. But Russia not only recognizes it – it became the only country in the world that General Min visited last year.

And it is not about democracy and authoritarianism, as they like to say in Washington, including inciting other countries to join the ranks of anti-Russian and anti-Chinese coalitions, but about pragmatism, respect for each other’s interests and non-interference in internal affairs (that is, respect to someone else’s lifestyle). It is on this basis that Russia’s relations with the rest of the world, including ASEAN countries, are built.

And that is why all the attempts of these countries to agitate against Russia end in vain – because on the part of the States they see double standards, lies and a desire to use them against their geopolitical opponents (not to mention interference in their internal affairs – or at least their desire is influenced , which is very strong).

And this is seen not only by such old friends of Moscow as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, but also by Indonesia and Thailand, which have been in the American orbit for many years. Even before the meeting in Washington, it became known that attempts to convince their leaders not to invite Vladimir Putin to the summits in November (G-20 in Bali and APEC in Bangkok) did not lead to anything.

In addition, the anti-Russian sanctions adopted by the United States and the West in general, including the freezing of our central bank’s reserves, will inevitably lead to ASEAN countries accelerating the work of creating their own regional currency, which will be another blow to the dollar’s position as a reserve currency.

The region has long talked about its own currency – yet for many years one of its countries, Malaysia, was led by one of the main enemies of the Anglo-Saxon financial world, Mahathir Mohamad.

In general, he has long proposed the creation of a single trading currency pegged to gold, and not just for ASEAN, but for the entire Islamic world or even for all of Asia. Mohammad has been calling for this for a quarter of a century, but in recent years the implementation of his idea has become simply vital.

As the failure of Atlantic globalization and the world financial system created by the Anglo-Saxons is evident, and with the West taking unprecedented measures against Russian assets, its accelerated dismantling becomes the main need of the entire non-Western world in the next decade.

The question of a reserve and trading currency is extremely relevant to all the major regions of the world – those that claim a place with voting rights in the new world order. It is no coincidence that now Latin America is again talking about its own currency, and this is what the future president of the largest country in the region – Brazil – is talking about.

Two weeks ago, Lula, the former and future (elections will be held in the fall) president of Brazil, recently announced that after his election victory (which is almost a foregone conclusion) he intends to create a common currency for Latin America, “because we cannot stay dependent on the dollar’. The currency will be called Sur, meaning “south”, and will be used for bilateral trade between countries in the region.

Latin Americans have long wanted to create their own currency and generally speed up the integration of their region, weakening dependence on the United States. Previous attempts, including those made by Chávez, were not successful, but even a negative experience can teach a lot.

Now the international situation itself – including the insane arbitrariness of the United States with Russian dollar assets – forces Latin Americans to act, seeking to protect themselves not even from the pressure and arbitrariness of the United States (to which they are accustomed), but from the consequences of increasingly -the likely collapse of the dollar in the medium term. Ultimately, it will hit Latin America the hardest – the region’s connection to the United States is huge. But not as before: relations with China are increasingly broad and active.

And politically, the “Monroe Doctrine” no longer works – which, by the way, will be well demonstrated by the upcoming Summit of the Americas in three weeks. Such summits are held every three years in different countries of the region, but the last time the American president participated in them was in 2015.

The next, eighth summit was ignored by Trump – in addition, the leaders of several countries, including Venezuela and Cuba, were not invited to the meeting. The current meeting will take place in Washington, but it is very likely that it will turn into a farce.

Because Biden doesn’t want to call the presidents of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua (no, not because they’re allies of Moscow, just because they’re “terrible autocrats”), which is decidedly off-putting to many others. Including the president of Mexico, who has already explicitly stated that in this case he will not go to Washington.

Brazilian President Bolsonaro will also not attend – not because of Maduro and Ortega, but because he is on very bad terms with the current US administration, which has not forgiven him for Trumpism. And trips to Moscow in early February – Washington very strongly persuaded the Brazilian not to meet with Putin.

So now the point is not to achieve some anti-Russian solidarity on the part of Latin Americans (this is generally meaningless, given the openly expressed desire of most countries in the region to maintain ties and trade with Russia), but to demonstrate at least some remnants of US influence. But without Mexico and Brazil, the two main countries in Latin America, this would not be possible.

And this is the situation in the recent “back yard” of the Yankees. What can we say about other regions of the world.

Yes, everyone is still heavily dependent on the US. But this year, almost all the “power centers” of the new world order (except Europe, attached to the Anglo-Saxons) have a common, stable desire to move as quickly as possible to independence from the former hegemon, which has lost its sense of reality and he imagines himself not as a falling star, but as a rising one. So that the debris does not get crushed.

Translation: SM

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