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They accuse negligence in ISSSTE of Hidalgo; give medical attention “on the ground”

Pachuca.- Health personnel and patients of the hospital Dr. Columba Rivera Osorio del ISSSTE in Hidalgo, Accused the authorities negligence to open the new area of ​​internal medicine that has been ready for three years, so the patients remain in urgencies for up to 20 hours, either on the floor or in chairs.

According to a complaint from the staff of that hospital, the situation is already unbearable, because in emergencies up to 60 patients are received daily, however, once the crisis is controlled they cannot access the floor on the grounds that they do not exist Beds.

This has caused a saturation of the service so that even patients are assigned medical care places on stretchers, chairs and on the floor, “there are those who are lucky and can occupy a bed, but the distribution is of a bed, a stretcher, chair or floor, ”they accused.

They denounced that the patients even end up cornered in an office where they are channeled with serum and sitting in a chair or in the corridors.

The situation, they said, could be remedied if the second floor of internal medicine that was built for three years and where 59 houses with oxygen intakes to hospitalize were placed at the service of patients, however only one area has been opened of 25, it is argued that there is not enough staff to perform the guards.

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This has led to serious cases being recorded; right holders They denounced the case of a patient, with initials G. H. R of 48 years of age, who was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia and who had been sitting day and night in a chair despite needing oxygen.

Relatives of the patient tried to speak with the hospital director, José Antonio McNaught Gutiérrez, However, they were denied entry since there is a police officer who prevents the right holders to upload their complaints.

On February 11 the patient was admitted to the unit of intensive care where he died, they considered it urgent that a solution can be given to this problem that is intensified especially on weekends where a greater number of patients are admitted.

In the emergency area, they said, patients must be a few hours and then be taken to the floor or discharged, but instead wait up to 20 days and this is hidden from state and federal authorities, who in tours only teach them the areas that work properly, they denounced.

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