Home » Business » Thessaly: Extension of suspension of tax and insurance obligations of flood victims – 2024-03-14 03:11:23

Thessaly: Extension of suspension of tax and insurance obligations of flood victims – 2024-03-14 03:11:23

The suspension of tax and insurance obligations for the flood victims of September 2023 is extended for an additional six months.

As pointed out in a joint announcement by the Ministries of National Economy and Finance, Labor and Social Security and Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, “with the cooperation of the ministries involved in the framework of the Governmental Committee for State Aid, it was decided and is underway to extend for an additional six months the provisions for suspension of the insurance obligations and the tax obligations of those affected by the floods of September 2023, who were the beneficiaries of the beneficial provisions during the first half of the year following the extreme flood phenomena”.

In particular, the provision concerns the cases of natural and legal persons who have been proven to be directly affected by the extreme flooding phenomena of September 2023, as well as the beneficiaries of the areas within targeted perimeters that have been affected either directly by the flooding phenomena, or indirectly by the effects of extreme flooding phenomena (Government Gazette Β΄ 6602/21.11.2023 and Β΄6720/30.11.2023).

In the same direction, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance has already announced the extension for an additional six months of the suspension of enforcement actions on movable or immovable property for natural persons and businesses, which were affected by the heavy rains, floods and landslides of September 2023 in the Region of Thessaly (Official Gazette B’ 1399/01.03.2024).

In the very next period, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance is launching the submission of a relevant legislative provision, which will allow the extension of the special provision regarding the suspension of tax obligations by one semester, beyond the initial first semester.

Simultaneously with the issuance of the relevant ministerial decision by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, on the suspension of tax obligations, after the adoption of the amendment, the corresponding decision, on the suspension of insurance obligations, will be issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security .

Source: RES-MPE

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