Home » today » Entertainment » These zodiac signs lie like a sheet music. Find out which signs are not sinister. You belong to this group? 11/11/20

These zodiac signs lie like a sheet music. Find out which signs are not sinister. You belong to this group? 11/11/20

Check which zodiac sign you have and you will find out who you are. Are you always telling the truth or do you sometimes have an innocent lie? According to astrology, some zodiac signs have a special tendency to forget what honesty is. You belong to this group? Or maybe your partner represents a lying zodiac sign? Check what the fairy Bellatrix says about it.

These zodiac signs lie like a sheet music. They manipulate, take advantage of others, or just have a hobby

Sometimes it seems to you that the person you are talking to is colorizing the reality a little? Chances are good you’re right! Try asking about her zodiac sign and you will find out everything. Almost half of all zodiac signs are brazen liars. There are many reasons for their lies – the desire to gain admiration and respect, venomous nature, achieving a goal over the corpses or wild imagination.

According to the fairies Bellatrix, one has to be careful when dealing with several signs. These signs have a particular tendency to be not entirely honest, which may affect subsequent relationships. In the gallery you can check which characters are born liars and it’s better not to deal with them.

“Although the lie still exists, only the truth is perfected” – Maksym Gorky

These zodiac signs are natural born liars. Horoscope

The signs of the zodiac are a conventional set of 12 symbols that describe our characters, preferences, likes and behaviors. From their descriptions it is possible to deduce what attitude each of them has towards, for example, truth and lies. Thanks to this knowledge, you can protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of a relationship with the wrong person. Just remember that horoscopes should be treated with a grain of salt. There is a grain of truth in them, but you cannot blindly trust them.

What’s your zodiac sign?

Each of the 12 zodiac signs is assigned to a specific date. Hence, what kind of zodiac sign we are is determined by our date of birth. Check below what sign you represent.

  • Wodnik (20.01-18.02)
  • Pisces (2/19-20/03)
  • Baran (21.03-19.04)
  • Byk (20.04-20.05)
  • Gemini (May 21-21)
  • Cancer (22.06-22.07)
  • Lew (23.07-22.08)
  • Panna (23.08-22.09)
  • Weight (23.09-22.10)
  • Skorpion (23.10-21.11)
  • Sagittarius (November 22-21)
  • Capricorn (22/12-19.01)


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