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These Vitamin C Myths Shouldn’t Be Fooled

Myth 1. Vitamin C can only be obtained from food

No, vitamin C is found in many foods, but not all are available in different seasons. Moreover, it is not so easy to eat the required amount of fruits and vegetables every day to replenish the daily dose of this vitamin. Vitamin C is also available in complexes or separately – children love it. It comes in various forms – tablets, capsules, lozenges and jelly lozenges.

Myth 2. Vitamin C can accumulate in the body

People are sure that they can eat citrus fruits in kilograms or drink a course of vitamins and this should be enough for a long time. Alas, this is not the case. Vitamin C dissolves quickly in fluids and is rapidly excreted from the body during the metabolic process. But this problem can be easily solved – the diet must be balanced, and if necessary, for example, in the fall, you can replenish vitamin C with the help of fruits and a course of vitamins.

Myth 3. Vitamin C destroys tooth enamel

Vitamin C is found in many citrus fruits, and these fruits are highly acidic and can actually affect the condition of the enamel of the teeth. But for the destructive action of such an acid, you need to drink lemon juice every morning for many months. With this replenishment of vitamin C, the enamel may darken, oxidize or erode. However, as a rule, people do not consume citrus fruits in such quantities. And from the periodic use of fruits and vitamins in the form of lozenges, candies or capsules – there will be no harm to the enamel.

Myth 4. Vitamin C protects against coronavirus

Doctors say that vitamins are really needed for the immune system to work, including vitamin C. But the body copes with viruses by producing antibodies for some particular threat. Separately, vitamin C cannot set a program for the body and create antibodies for it. But in general, vitamin C helps to make the immune defense stronger, from any influences. Research shows that vitamin C can also reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms.

Myth 5. The more vitamin C, the better

It is believed that there is never a lot of vitamin C. But it is not so. There is a daily dose of vitamin C for every age and body weight. For a child under 6 years old, the daily dose is 50 mg per day. For a teenager – 75 mg, for an adult – up to 100-120 mg per day. Exceeding this dose by 10-20 mg will definitely not cause harm. But the use of vitamin C in excessive quantities can lead to disruption of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and to indigestion. The toxicity threshold for vitamin C for humans is 15,000 mg.

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