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These tricks keep the house angle spider out of apartments

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Von: Dominik Jahn

House angle spiders are increasingly attracted to houses and apartments from autumn in particular. Then people who are afraid of spiders have to be extra careful.

Again and again spiders provide real shock moments. Warnings from experts about the current Distribution of the Nosferatu spider in Germanydo not contribute to reassurance, like echo24.de has reported. And the fact that the house spider is on the rise again, especially from September and October, makes many people uncomfortable. But how can you keep the eight-legged crawlers at bay?

Especially in autumn, as soon as it gets colder, the house angle spider, not to be confused with the Nosferatu spider, likes dark, damp and warm places. It is therefore also known as a cellar spider and house spider. The animal, which belongs to the Tegenaria spider genus, can already be found increasingly in apartments. This is due to the current weather.

House spiders come into the house through open windows and doors

According to the portal, the house spider is particularly good and happy to come haus.de, via open windows and doors, the gap under the front door, cracks in the masonry, ventilation openings or with objects that are brought into the house. Garden chairs and firewood or shopping baskets are perfect options for the spiders.

After all, the experts give a rejection of a myth surrounding the house angle spiders: They definitely do not come into the house via sewage pipes. And, even if it is Germany’s largest spider species, it is harmless.

House angle spider: preventive measures against the crawlers

Basically, with all measures, you should make sure that the house spiders are not killed. According to the Baden-Württemberg Nature Conservation Union, it is important for the ecosystem. They eat mosquitoes and other insects. The experts therefore always have one big request: the spider should be put outside with a piece of paper and a glass. But then expose again at least 50 meters away from the house. Or act proactively.

A popular home remedy for house spiders and spiders in general is lavender. The plant provides a natural aroma barrier on doors and windows. Lavender can also help against wasps. As Heidelberg24.de writes, there are very different scents that can help for different spiders. According to haus.de, anyone who suffers from a fear of spiders (arachnophobia) can take further steps.

  • Fly screens on all windows in the house.
  • Fly screen door also in front of the balcony or terrace door.
  • Seal the gap under the front door with a door brush seal
  • Seal cracks and cracks in the masonry with lead wool, plaster or tow
  • Close ventilation pipes with a fine metal mesh

In the fight against the house spider: Clean corners thoroughly and regularly

Since one of the house spider’s main retreats is in inaccessible corners, it is always worth cleaning there more thoroughly and more frequently. Scent barriers also help in these places in the home. In addition to lavender, there are a number of other remedies, loud haus.de:

  • Vinegar
  • eucalyptus or peppermint oil
  • chestnuts
  • Lavender
  • mint


  • lemon

A mixture of essential oils with water should be particularly effective. This can then be sprayed onto the appropriate locations with a spray bottle. Even a simple scented candle can be helpful under certain circumstances.

House angle spider has a nasty predator

Reassuring or not, the house spider also has a nasty predator: the spider runner. How echo24.de has already reported, this centipede is also spreading more and more in Baden-Württemberg. Humans can also be bitten by the spider runners.

And after all, the house angle spider is not that Noble orb spider. Their bite is extremely dangerous. Since 2017 it has gradually arrived in Germany and can also be found in corners and niches – but much more rarely than the harmless house spider.

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