They are so beautiful and so sweet that they could not harm a fly. This is how we imagine cats. And in theory, this is true. In practice, not so much. Because if there is one thing that cats are guilty of, it is stealing beds. You now understand why you recently saw your dog lying in a laundry basket. It’s both hilarious and devilish.

Ipnoze has compiled for you a list of petty thieves who have been caught stealing dog beds. If you are thinking of making a new bed for your dog, you should also give him a little courage. After you finish with this article, take a look at our previous list of 33 cats that stole dog beds. Make sure to share these images with your friends and family!


1. I bought new dog beds. I should have given them some courage

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

2. My cat recently discovered the dog’s bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

3. I was able to capture the anguish he felt after losing his bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

4. I was looking for a house for this stray kitten, but the other cat has spoken, the dog has no bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

5. I’m fine, I’m fine …

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

6. Our cat and our dog taking advantage of the new beds that we have just offered them

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

7. No, not today

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

8. It is 7 degrees outside and the king claimed his bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

9. Yes yes, stay there

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

10. My cat really likes my dog’s new bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

11. Always a gentleman

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

12. I now know who won the fight

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

13. Bootie tried to steal Poppy’s bed, but Poppy said no

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

14. I photographed my crying dog when my toddler stole her bed. She will sleep on the floor rather than take it back

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

15. Here’s why Skye looks sad and is sleeping in his toy basket today

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

16. That look of apathy and those looks of disdain

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

17. In case you’re wondering who’s ordering

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

18. Our cat stole our dog’s bed

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

19. Any help please?

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

20. She stole his bed from him while he was lying on it and looks so pleased with his achievement

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

21. Did you see what he did ??

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments

22. My poor dog tried to ask him nicely. Too bad the cat is a moron

These stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest momentsThese stupid cats stole dogs' beds and here are the 22 funniest moments