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These Six Stocks Become Top Losers, There Are Technology Stocks!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – In the midst of the slight increase in the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) this week, these six stocks actually corrected and occupied the position as the stocks with the largest trading losses (top losers).

According to data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), three of the 5 stocks that are included in the top losers this week engaged in the industrial, agricultural, leasing, construction, and technology.

Shares of a leading fertilizer manufacturer in East Java, PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk (SAMF) led the correction by dropping 29.38 percent in the week to Rp 745/share, from last week’s price level of Rp 1,055/unit.

Whereas last week, SAMF shares also had the second position in the ranks top losers. The reason for the decline in SAMF shares last week was due to the end of time cum-dividend which is the last period of registration of public shareholders as dividend recipients.

As is known, dividend-hunting investors buy shares of companies that plan to distribute dividends, and immediately sell their shares after the cum-dividend period has passed to pursue profits in other stocks. The SAMF dividend was paid last June 25.

However, sometimes market participants take advantage of the dividend distribution momentum for speculation, thus triggering the term dividend trap.dividend trap) where such shares are bought up to attract other investors and prices rise.

In the second position, there are shares of gold mining issuer, PT Wilton Makmur Indonesia Tbk (SQMI) which fell by 29.03% to the level of Rp 220/unit this week, from the previous week’s price of Rp 310/unit.

Next in the third position is occupied by the shares of construction companies, PT Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk (BIMA) which fell 28.68 percent to the level of Rp. 97/unit this week, from the previous week’s price of Rp. 136/unit.

BIMA shares were exposed to unusual market activity (UMA) by the IDX last week. Previously, on Friday (25/6/2021) last week, IDX had monitored the movement of BIMA’s shares because there had been an unusual increase in the share price (UMA) in the stock.

While in the last position held by the issuer of technology, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT) which fell 25.5% to the level of Rp 3,710/unit this week, from the previous week at Rp 4,980/unit.

MLPT shares were suspended by the IDX on Thursday (17/6/2021) due to a significant increase in the cumulative price of these shares.

However, on Friday (25/6/2021) last week, the suspension of MLPT shares was reopened. However, its shares immediately fell 6.92%.

Stocks that are included in the technology sector index (IDXTECHNO) managed to jump more than 100% in the last month, stung by positive sentiment from other technology sector stocks, such as shares of listed companies. data center owned by Toto Sugiri PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII).


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