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These schools and daycare centers are affected

In the region, the incidence values ​​have risen further in the past few days, in Würzburg easing measures had to be withdrawn. While the seven-day incidence value for Würzburg was still 63.3 on Monday, it fell to 61.8 on Tuesday, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

In the district, however, it has risen steadily in the past few days. Here, too, new rules have been in effect since Monday, after the incidence value exceeded the limit of 35 for the third time in a row on Saturday. And while it was just below the 50 mark on Monday at 49.9, it was exceeded again on Tuesday with a value of 54.8 (RKI) after a long time.

Many daycare centers and schools in the city and district are affected by corona cases. The editors asked the Würzburg district office what these are (as of March 15, 1 p.m.).

Affected schools in the city of Würzburg

  • Josef Greising Vocational School: positive student, British virus variant
  • FOS / BOS Würzburg: four students, two of them with the British variant independently positive
  • Nursing Vocational School: positive student, British virus variant
  • Hans-Schöbel-Schule Center for the physically handicapped: a nurse
  • BFZ Würzburg Vocational School for Elderly Care / – Help: positive student
  • Adalbert Stifter Elementary School: positive child, British variant

Affected schools in the district

  • Waldbüttelbrunn primary and secondary school: positive child, British variant
  • Astrid Lindgren School Helmstadt + Elementary School Zell am Main: one teacher, British variant
  • Gymnasium Veitshöchheim: two positive pupils, one pupil suspected of being a British variant
  • Eichendorff School Gerbrunn: positive student, British variant
  • Eibelstadt primary school: positive student, British variant
  • Eisingen primary school: positive student, British variant
  • Randersacker primary school: positive child, suspected British variant


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Affected day-care centers in the city of Würzburg:

  • Johanniter-Kita Unterdürrbach: positive child
  • Arche-Noah-Kita Lengfeld: two employees (had no contact with each other), one person with a British variant
  • Kindergarten St. Elisabeth: two positive educators and four positive children in different groups, British variant

Affected day-care centers in the district of Würzburg:

  • Catholic Kindergarten St. Nikolaus Gerbrunn: two positive children, British variant
  • Kath. St. Nikolaus Eibelstadt: positive child, suspected British virus variant
  • Kindergarten on the right of the Main Ochsenfurt: seven positive children in one group, one positive educator
  • Philippus-Kinderhaus Waldbrunn: six children positive in different groups and one teacher, British variant
  • Catholic kindergarten “Die kleine Strolche” Bergtheim: positive child

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