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These little everyday gestures that reduce our risk of cancer


  • Nearly 400,000 French people are affected each year by cancer.
  • We can act daily to reduce the risk of cancer.

Each year in France, nearly 400,000 people are affected by cancer and more than 157,000 die from it. However, the National Cancer Institute (Inca) recalls that “we are not helpless in the face of cancer ” and invites every French person to act daily to reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Stop smoking (or not start)

With over 7,000 chemicals, including 70 carcinogens, tobacco is the number one preventable risk factor for cancer. Each year, it is responsible for 68,000 new cases of cancer (17 different locations) and 45,000 deaths in adults aged 30 and over. “So the best strategy to reduce your individual risk of cancer is not to start smoking, or to quit “, says the Inca. Despite a historic drop in the last two years (- 1.6 million smokers), smoking remains very high in France, with 24% of daily smokers among 18/75 year olds in 2019.

Drink less alcohol

Alcohol is the second avoidable risk factor for cancer. It is attributed each year 28,000 new cases and 16,000 deaths in France. “To effectively reduce your risk of cancer, it is recommended not to drink more than 2 glasses per day and not every day, recalls the Inca. Knowledge of the risk of its consumption on the occurrence of cancer remains insufficient within the population “, deplores the institute. French consumption is one of the highest in the world. In 2017, the amount of alcohol consumed per capita was 11.7 liters per year, or on average 2 and a half drinks per day, which is far too much.

Play sports and eat a balanced diet

Each year in France, unbalanced diet and overweight are responsible for 5.4% of cancers. “A varied and balanced diet and regular physical activity (30 minutes a day) help limit the risks of overweight and obesity “, advises the Inca. In 2015 in France, 54% of men and 44% of women were overweight or obese.

Protect yourself from the sun

The sun is the main factor in skin cancer. At the time of summer vacation, it is clear that the French still do not protect themselves enough from UV rays. According to new poll, more than 20% of holidaymakers do not use any sunscreen on the beach, and 28% “sometimes” (only once or twice a day). In cities, this figure climbs to 53%, even peaking at 63% for men. For effective protection, dermatologists recommend renewing the application of your sunscreen every hour, avoiding exposure to the sun at the hottest hours of the day (no product actually filters 100% of UV rays).

The protection index depends on the skin type, the highest suitable for the lightest skin tones, and the lowest for the darkest. All of this is also to be qualified according to the context: in the height of summer, even the most dull will have to opt for an index 50 while in spring, the porcelain complexions may be satisfied with an index 10.

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