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These late-night claims by President Trump are grossly inaccurate | NOW

US President Donald Trump made again controversial statements during a press conference from the White House on the night from Thursday to Friday. The fact checkers of the largest American news agency AP names are statements under scrutiny.

Claim: “There are horror stories about election day and there is evidence that gross things actually went wrong.”

Conclusion: Not (yet) true. Trump has yet to provide evidence of any major problems on Election Day, and the general impression is that Americans have not experienced any problems voting on Tuesday. During other elections, not all votes were counted in one day.

Allegation: “The election results in Pennsylvania have been influenced by Democrats, who still accept ballots days after election day, and they are too easily counted.”

Conclusion: Not the Democrats, but the Supreme Court has allowed the counting of votes arriving within three days of election day.

Claim: “Democrats have stopped an initiative in the Supreme Court to place supervisors at polling stations. They (Democrats, ed.) Don’t want to show anyone else how votes are counted.”

Conclusion: There has been no attempt by the Democrats to ban regulators from polling stations. Trump misinterprets a lawsuit over how much distance regulators had to keep from other employees at Philadelphia locations. The Trump campaign wanted regulators to keep less distance than the law allows, and the judge granted that request.

Claim: “Our (Trumps, ed.) Campaign team has been denied access to polling stations in Detroit.”

Conclusion: Incorrect. Ballots sent by mail were counted in one location in Detroit, where 134 tables were set up. Both campaign teams were allowed to place one person at each table. According to spokesman Janice Winfrey, no Republican regulators were escorted out, but several people were “aggressive towards employees, whom they tried to intimidate.”

Claim: “The electoral system in Georgia is controlled by the Democrats.”

Conclusion: Not true, a Republican is primarily responsible: Georgia State Secretary Brad Raffensperger.

Claim: “A judge has ruled that voting in Georgia is only allowed on election day. Now votes are counted that arrived a day later.”

Conclusion: Trump is misrepresenting a previous judge’s ruling. It is true that in Georgia votes had to arrive at a polling station before 7:00 pm on election day, but an exception was made for soldiers stationed overseas.

The votes now being counted in Georgia were cast on election day. However, the turnout in many states is much higher, making it take longer to get an outcome.

Claim: “If you only count the legal votes, then I (Trump, ed.) Easily win. If the illegal votes are included, Democrats can steal the election from us.”

Conclusion: This claim is unfounded. Authorities have not reported massive amounts of suspicious votes – they are needed to influence the election. Trump also seems to be suggesting that postal voting was illegal, but judges say this was a legitimate way to vote safely during the corona crisis.

Claim: “We (Republicans, ed.) Are winning in all the major locations, but devious activities have made those advances disappear.”

Conclusion: Not true. The vote counting process is responsible for this. Many states have delayed the counting of votes by mail before counting the votes cast on election day. As a result, there was a distorted picture for a long time and Trump led with large figures in, for example, Michigan and Wisconsin, states that were later assigned to Biden.

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