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These generals of the apocalypse… | Morocco today

A gang of cacochymous generals mortgages the future of an entire people: Algeria is a young country where the under 35s are in the majority, alas this youth is led by a quarteron of soldiers totally above ground, with an average of age 80.

It is not a question here of criticizing the age of elders, it is a question of criticizing the fact that at this respectable age one feels the right to take hostage the future of a whole generation, even of several. generations. These generals, eager to entertain their people – and especially their youth – have therefore called upon all their humorous talents to write the screenplay for a big show film, and not just any film, a comic! Algeria decides to break off its diplomatic relations with Morocco, that is to say, between us it is rather the domain of the farce as there was not much to break, but what is even more laughable are the reasons put forward by neighboring rulers. So let’s continue on the comic register:

– Fires: Morocco’s fault – Water shortage: Morocco’s fault

– Food rationing: Morocco’s fault

– Popular demonstrations: Morocco’s fault

– Claiming the independence of Kabylia: Morocco’s fault… /… And we could continue the litany ad infinitum. Here is roughly the plot of the Algerian film which is being played out before our eyes, the problem is that in fact it does not make anyone laugh… So let’s abandon the very idea that the film conceived by these generals could have the slightest success and let’s come back to reality: contested from everywhere, confronted with the growing discontent of the population in the face of the lack (s) of everything, facing the demands of Kabylia … the Algerian regime is shutting itself down in a headlong rush that leads him straight to his downfall.

So much the better, because having such irresponsible neighbors as neighbors is not easy, but the question is: in what state will they leave their country? In fact these generals have simply lost their minds and they are in the process of reserving for their country the legend attributed to Hun Attila, of which it is said that where he passed the grass did not grow back. This is obviously not what we can wish the Algerian people, unfortunately it is the pattern that seems to be emerging. Today the Algerian regime is issuing an international arrest warrant against Ferhat Mehenni, leader of the Kabyle independence movement and decides not to renew the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline contract, thus wishing to deprive Morocco of natural gas supply.

And suddenly we sink into a sort of organized crime that does not speak its name. A real scandal then comes to light: for what reason (s) all these great human rights consciousnesses so quick to show off an inept affair such as the “pegapshitt”, are they so suddenly silent? ? Even the atrocious murder of Jamel Ben Ismail did not get them out of their complicit silence, what to deduce? That all these givers of small-footed lessons would therefore be in the pay of the Algerian regime, and there the term “pay” is to be taken in its original meaning, that of remuneration. If anyone has another explanation, let him deliver it! The string is too thick.

These generals at the end of the course have therefore consciously chosen, to preserve their power at the end of the race, to sacrifice the present and the future of a whole people, theirs, and particularly that of a youth in search of the future, exist- t he greater offense? Let them know one thing, it is not the Moroccans, it is not Morocco who will call them to account when the time comes, it is their own youth who will judge them and that day they will be nothing but felons.

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