Home » today » Entertainment » These five watch brands are famous enough to buy watches at the end of the year | rolex | Tissot | Longines_Sina Fashion_Sina.com

These five watch brands are famous enough to buy watches at the end of the year | rolex | Tissot | Longines_Sina Fashion_Sina.com

Original title: Year-end awards for the purchase of watches, these five watch brands are quite famous

Author: See age

2022 is coming to an end, has your year-end bonus already been issued? After getting a small fortune, can’t help but want to buy a watch? Someone may have already thought about how to spend the year-end bonus, while others are still undecided about who to choose? Other things aside, the following five watch brands are certainly quite famous, and you can find a watch that suits you for any number of year-end awards.


Who still buys Casios among adults these days? It is true? Casio is not a student watch, small cubes and farm oaks are all a mess now. The price is also very suitable. There are hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of dollars. Low-end fun, high-end true love, and various styles and themes are even more dazzling. Not to mention other things, Casio is particularly suitable for outdoor travel. It has a dynamic and fashionable style, rich functions, and is mainly resistant to production. When the flowers bloom in 2023, I believe you will need to wear a Casio to go hiking and enjoy the flowers and gardens.


Many Chinese people have a good filter for Swiss watches, and among them, Tissot is the most famous entry-level Swiss watch brand. Its spokesman Xiaoming brother and fairy sister Liu Yifei are also quite national, and are well suited to the brand’s temperament. Tissot watches are very classic Swiss watches, with a more popular style and aesthetics. For example, Tissot Lilock and Durul series are more business-oriented, Tissot Starfish and Speedo series are casual and dynamic, and Tengzhi Wujie series, which focuses on smart watches and the famous Tissot PRX fried chicken super player series. Tissot also has everything from quartz watches, mechanical watches and smart watches, and the price ranges from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. However, Tissot’s most cost-effective purchase is the mechanical watch of several thousand yuan. Thanks to the support of large groups, strong resources, and good cost control, Tissot’s mechanical watches are really cost-effective.


For many ordinary urban white-collar workers, the first watch that can be called a luxury is most likely to be a Longines, and moreover, it is likely to be a Longines master watch. Longines is famous for its elegance, and Longines’ elegance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the world. And unlike many watch brands that are only famous for men’s watches, Longines’ men’s watches, women’s watches and couples’ watches are all very popular. Longines has quartz watches and mechanical watches, and the entry price is less than 10,000 yuan. Famous craftsmen, military flags, Boya, Jialan, Concas, pioneers, classic replica series, etc. They are all popular and sold well, and the Xinyue series among women’s watches is particularly popular. Longines also has expensive watches that are worth more than 100,000 yuan, but they are generally for collectors, and most of them are priced between 10,000 and 30,000 yuan. It belongs to the grade that ordinary people can afford to consume without losing their status.


The first time I met Omega was not the 007 movie, but during the 2008 Olympic Games. At that time, I didn’t know anything about watches, but I was deeply impressed by the Omega LOGO that I saw in the Bird’s Nest. Later, I came to know this Swiss watch brand which was the British prince’s favorite, Kingsman’s favorite, and once flew to the moon. Omega product line is very clear, Constellation, Seamaster, Speedmaster, De Ville four series, the first three series are famous, although the De Ville series is not so legendary, but because of its entry-level positioning, sales have been good. The price range of Omega watches is also very large, with more than 20,000 entry-level watches, but it is not uncommon for several million watches. But overall, its price is controlled between 30,000 and 100,000. It is a high-profile Swiss watch brand with degrees, histories and technology.


Statistics show that Rolex is now the most profitable watch brand in the world, and people’s pursuit of Rolex knows no bounds. You can see Rolex (although it may be fake) on the wrists of politicians, celebrities, ordinary people, anyone. Rolex is undoubtedly very successful in business, so successful that those who like it praise it as “once and for all”. Experts also say: Rolex is the right choice for those who know more about watches and those who know less about watches. In short, Rolex’s status in the arena can be called a “myth” and its success cannot be replicated. Many people don’t buy Rolexes, it’s just about the money. For those cousins ​​who can buy Rolexes with year-end rewards, I have one thought: envy!

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