Home » Business » These Electric Motorbike Brands Can Be Subsidized: Volta, Gesits & Selis

These Electric Motorbike Brands Can Be Subsidized: Volta, Gesits & Selis

Ferry SandiCNBC Indonesia


Monday, 06/03/2023 14:37 WIB

Photo: Visitors see an old motorbike converted into an electric motorbike at the PLN booth at the 2023 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) automotive exhibition on Saturday (18/2/2023). (CNBC Indonesia/Tias Budiarto)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government is providing assistance or subsidies worth IDR 7 million per electric motorbike to 200,000 motorbike units starting March 20, 2023. One of the requirements for electric motorbikes to be provided with subsidized assistance is to have a TKDN (Domestic Component Level) content of 40%.

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that there are 3 brands of electric motorbikes whose TKDN has reached 40%, namely Volta, Gesits and Selis.

“Regarding the flow, the government’s aid distribution scheme (namely) so manufacturers will register the type of vehicle that has fulfilled the 40% TKDN value required in the system. New 4 wheels 2 Ioniq 5 and Wuling. (While) motorbikes there are 3 Volta, Gesits and Selis which above 40%,” said Agus at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Building, Jakarta, Monday (6/3/2023).

Photo: A number of Gojek drivers prepare to ride electric motorbikes after the inauguration of the G20 electric motorbike shelter in the ITDC Nusa Dua tourism area, Bali, Wednesday (19/10/2022). A total of 50 electric motorbikes with the Gesits and Gogoro brands will be provided by Electrum for the Gojek online motorcycle taxi (ojol) fleet at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, which will take place on November 15-16 2022 in Nusa Dua, Bali. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)
A number of Gojek drivers prepare to ride electric motorbikes after the inauguration of the G20 electric motorbike shelter in the ITDC Nusa Dua tourism area, Bali, Wednesday (19/10/2022). A total of 50 electric motorbikes with the Gesits and Gogoro brands will be provided by Electrum for the Gojek online motorcycle taxi (ojol) fleet at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, which will take place on November 15-16 2022 in Nusa Dua, Bali. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)

Agus explained the mechanism for electric vehicles that can get subsidies. Electric vehicle manufacturers must register with the Ministry of Industry the types of vehicles that will enter this program. After that, a verification agency called the Dilership Verifier will carry out verification that is adjusted to the TKDN measurement. All data will be collected.

Later the Ministry of Industry will also coordinate with the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) to re-verify the data that was collected earlier. Replacement payments or subsidies will be given directly to producers, not consumers.

“The buyer comes and the dealer checks the NIK on the KTP. There it will be seen whether he is a potential community buyer entitled to assistance. If after checking in the system he is entitled to assistance, the buyer can immediately get a discount. The dealer inputs according to the procedure and submits an incentive claim to Himbara bank, then Himbara checks for completeness and when finished Himbara pays incentives for assistance to producers. This makes it easier for us to control,” he concluded.


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Indonesia</p>\r\n <p>News</p>\r\n <p>Monday, 06/03/2023 14:37 WIB</p>\r\n </div>\r\n <!-- S: SHARE -->\r\n <!-- E: SHARE -->\r\n \r\n <div class="picdetail">\r\n <a rel="nofollow" href="https://cnbcindonesia.com/news/20230306143124-4-419246/ini-merek-motor-listrik-dapat-subsidi-volta-gesits-selis">\r\n <amp-img title="img-title" src="https://awsimages.detik.net.id/visual/2023/02/18/pengunjung-melihat-motor-lawas-yang-di-konversi-menjadi-motor-listrik-pada-booth-pln-dalam-ajang-pameran-otomotif-indonesia-in-19_169.jpeg?w=360&q=90" width="16" height="9" layout="responsive" alt=""/>\r\n </a>\r\n <p>\r\n <span>Photo: Visitors see an old motorbike converted into an electric motorbike at the PLN booth at the 2023 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) automotive exhibition on Saturday (18/2/2023). (CNBC Indonesia/Tias Budiarto)</span>\r\n </p>\r\n </div>\r\n <!-- s:banner inbetween -->\r\n <!-- e:banner inbetween -->\r\n \r\n <!-- S:PARALLAX BANNER + ISI -->\r\n <p><strong>Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia</strong> - The government is providing assistance or subsidies worth IDR 7 million per electric motorbike to 200,000 motorbike units starting March 20, 2023. One of the requirements for electric motorbikes to be provided with subsidized assistance is to have a TKDN (Domestic Component Level) content of 40%.</p>\r\n<p>Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that there are 3 brands of electric motorbikes whose TKDN has reached 40%, namely Volta, Gesits and Selis.</p>\r\n<p>"Regarding the flow, the government's aid distribution scheme (namely) so manufacturers will register the type of vehicle that has fulfilled the 40% TKDN value required in the system. New 4 wheels 2 Ioniq 5 and Wuling. (While) motorbikes there are 3 Volta, Gesits and Selis which above 40%," said Agus at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Building, Jakarta, Monday (6/3/2023).</p><!-- s: parallax --><br/><!-- s: parallax -->\r\n<table align="center" class="pic_artikel_sisip_table">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>\r\n<div class="pic_artikel_sisip" align="center">\r\n<div class="pic"> <amp-img width="320" height="200" layout="responsive" src="https://awsimages.detik.net.id/community/media/visual/2022/10/19/motor-listrik-gojek-di-konferensi-tingkat-tinggi-ktt-g20-nusa-dua-bali_169.jpeg?w=620" class="" title="Motor Listrik Gojek di Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 Nusa Dua Bali" alt="Sejumlah pengemudi Gojek bersiap untuk mengendarai motor listrik usai peresmian shelter motor listrik G20 di kawasan pariwisata ITDC Nusa Dua, Bali, Rabu (19/10/2022). Sebanyak 50 motor listrik dengan merek Gesits dan Gogoro disediakan Electrum untuk armada ojek online (ojol) Gojek dalam penyelenggaraan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 di Indonesia, yang akan berlangsung pada 15-16 November 2022 mendatang di Nusa Dua, Bali. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)" data-id=""/>Photo: A number of Gojek drivers prepare to ride electric motorbikes after the inauguration of the G20 electric motorbike shelter in the ITDC Nusa Dua tourism area, Bali, Wednesday (19/10/2022). A total of 50 electric motorbikes with the Gesits and Gogoro brands will be provided by Electrum for the Gojek online motorcycle taxi (ojol) fleet at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, which will take place on November 15-16 2022 in Nusa Dua, Bali. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)<br/>A number of Gojek drivers prepare to ride electric motorbikes after the inauguration of the G20 electric motorbike shelter in the ITDC Nusa Dua tourism area, Bali, Wednesday (19/10/2022). A total of 50 electric motorbikes with the Gesits and Gogoro brands will be provided by Electrum for the Gojek online motorcycle taxi (ojol) fleet at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, which will take place on November 15-16 2022 in Nusa Dua, Bali. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<p>Agus explained the mechanism for electric vehicles that can get subsidies. Electric vehicle manufacturers must register with the Ministry of Industry the types of vehicles that will enter this program. After that, a verification agency called the Dilership Verifier will carry out verification that is adjusted to the TKDN measurement. All data will be collected.</p>\r\n<p>Later the Ministry of Industry will also coordinate with the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) to re-verify the data that was collected earlier. Replacement payments or subsidies will be given directly to producers, not consumers.</p>\r\n<p>"The buyer comes and the dealer checks the NIK on the KTP. There it will be seen whether he is a potential community buyer entitled to assistance. If after checking in the system he is entitled to assistance, the buyer can immediately get a discount. The dealer inputs according to the procedure and submits an incentive claim to Himbara bank, then Himbara checks for completeness and when finished Himbara pays incentives for assistance to producers. This makes it easier for us to control," he concluded. </p> <!-- E:PARALLAX BANNER + ISI-->\r\n <!-- s:banner newstag -->\r\n <!-- e:banner newstag -->\r\n <!-- S: AEVP -->\r\n \r\n<!-- S:BOX AEVP -->\r\n <!-- E: AEVP -->\r\n <br/>\r\n <strong><b><b>(were/were)</b></b></strong>\r\n \r\n <!-- S: TAG -->\r\n <!-- E: TAG -->\r\n <!-- s:banner staticbanner1 -->\r\n \r\n <!-- e:banner staticbanner1 -->\r\n <!-- S: SHARE -->\r\n \r\n</div>\r\n ?">

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