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These Corona rules now apply in Bavaria

No more contact restrictions for vaccinated people

Also the changes announced in advance by Prime Minister Söder private contact restrictions has brought the Bavarian cabinet on the way: For vaccinated and recovered people, they are completely omitted because, according to Söder, they are “no longer appropriate and necessary”. So far, a maximum of ten vaccinated people have been allowed to meet at the same time in the Free State, not counting children under the age of 14.

The easing does not apply to people without corona vaccination protection: “The contact restrictions for the unvaccinated remain unchanged,” says the cabinet report. As soon as there is even one unvaccinated person, a household in Bavaria can only meet with a maximum of two members of another household. Again, children under 14 are not counted.

Where in Bavaria does neither 2G nor 3G apply?

No restrictions or there are conditions – apart from the mask requirement – for visiting the supermarket or other trade. In Bavaria, you do not need proof of vaccination, convalescence or test for medical, nursing or therapeutic services. Of course, this also applies to private meetings, but the contact restrictions mentioned continue to apply to the unvaccinated.

Do discotheques and clubs open after carnival?

discotheques and clubs should soon be allowed to open in Bavaria with the 2G plus rule. There is no concrete date so far, first of all the federal and state governments should coordinate. “After carnival” may be the right time, explained Söder. As of now, remain closed in Bavaria as well pure pubs as brothels.

Bavaria: Large events with up to 25,000 spectators

For big cultural and sporting events in Bavaria, a participant limit of 25,000 will apply outdoors in the future. A permitted occupancy rate of 75 percent generally applies for culture and 50 percent for sporting events. Visitors must continue to wear an FFP2 mask. Just last week, the limit was raised from 10,000 to 15,000 people. The new limit of 25,000 visitors per day will also apply to Trade fairs, congresses and conferences.

In addition, the obligation to collect contact details and the obligation to only sell personalized tickets for larger sporting and cultural events is no longer applicable. Also important: No alcohol may be served at sporting and cultural events with more than 1,000 people in Bavaria.

Also new: For trading, service and craft businesses in Bavaria, the limit on the number of customers of one customer per ten square meters no longer applies. You must also wear an FFP2 mask and, if possible, keep a distance of 1.5 meters from others.

Now fix: No more regional lockdowns

In keeping with the move away from the incidence values ​​as a guideline, Bavaria’s cabinet has decided to abolish the hotspot regulation, which has only been suspended so far. Accordingly, it is in Bavarian regions with an incidence value of over 1,000 no more regional lockdowns give. According to the Bavarian hotspot rule, a regional lockdown should have been imposed for the relevant districts – but the rule was suspended in mid-January.

And people who cannot be vaccinated?

For people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and who can prove this with a written medical certificate, a negative test is still sufficient for access under 2G.

Mask requirement & Co: What still applies in Bavaria

In closed rooms (with the exception of private rooms), public transport and outdoor events, one continues to apply in Bavaria FFP2 mask requirement. Children under the age of six are exempt. For 6 to 15 year olds, medical mouth and nose protection is sufficient. The mask may be removed in gastronomy at the table and at events at fixed seating or standing areas, provided that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from people from other households is maintained.

to church services Those who have been vaccinated against Corona are also not allowed. The maximum number of participants depends on how many people can be accommodated, as long as the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained. If the parish or religious community decides voluntarily for the 3G rule, the upper limit for persons does not apply.

Wiesn & Co: What about folk festivals?

Like it with festivals continues in Bavaria remains open. Economics Minister and Vice Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) was optimistic that folk festivals could take place this year. There will be a round table on this in February. So far there has been no “final clarity”, explained Aiwanger. But he emphasized: “I firmly believe that we can realize these festivals.” As of now, folk festivals and annual markets in Bavaria are still prohibited.

Söder: “Hope for another spring”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Söder justified the recent easing with the fact that the trend in new infections has been “slightly falling” for days. The hospital numbers are largely stable, the omicron variant “de facto simply much less dangerous”. The “gradual entry into the exit” is therefore “not a risk”. The prime minister was optimistic: “There is reason to hope for a different spring and summer.”

Green Haubrich: Söder creates “rule chaos”

The health policy spokeswoman for the Greens in the state parliament, Christina Haubrich, had criticized the timing of the decision on BR24live after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday. The fact that the Bavarian cabinet had already made decisions before the current federal-state consultations created a “rules chaos”.

The opposition politician called on the state government to take precautions now for another possible corona wave in autumn. Wastewater monitoring and better equipment for the health authorities are needed. Free voter boss Aiwanger had previously asked the government in Berlin to ensure a more robust health system in order to avoid restrictive measures for infectious diseases in the future.

The entire BR24live on February 15th, 2022 on the latest Bavarian corona loosening to look up:

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