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These Corona rules apply from Holy Saturday

© APA/dpa/Marijan Murat / Marijan Murat


FFP2 mask requirement only in public transport, no longer in retail. Third pass is valid for 12 months. 3-G rule only in hospitals.

von Johanna Hager


Two days before the current Corona rules expire – the ordinance expires on April 16 – the responsible Minister of Health made a presentation John Rauch the measures that will apply throughout Austria from Holy Saturday.

Die FFP2 mask requirement According to the Ministry of Health, it still applies

  • in all public transport and the associated stops
  • in customer areas of vital trade (supermarkets, pharmacies, post and bank branches)
  • in hospitals, retirement and nursing homes.

Die FFP2 mask requirement indoors falls official, but is still recommended by the ministry. Fabric masks or mouth and nose protection are not an option for the Minister of Health as an alternative to the FFP2 mask.

Die The 3G rule still applies in hospitalsretirement and nursing homes for visitors, employees and service providers. Overall otherwise is from the Ministry of Health no more 3G settings.

In Vienna, 2-G is mandatory in restaurants and night restaurants

According to the City Council for Health, Vienna takes over Peter Hacker the federal regulations. This means: From Holy Saturday falls in the federal capital the 2-G rule in gastronomy and in night gastronomy.

The following exception also applies in Vienna: A PCR test is valid for 48 hours. living room tests are still in Vienna not acknowledged.

Unlike in the rest of Austria, people who live in the federal capital have to visit a hospital or nursing home want, bring a PCR test. In addition, FFP2 masks are compulsory for visitors in hospitals and nursing homes. Employees in hospitals and nursing homes still need proof of 2.5-G (vaccinated, recovered or PCR test). In addition, there is a PCR screening twice a week.

In kindergartens applies one FFP2 mask requirement for external people.

After the Easter holidays will be noisy school ordinance, weekly PCR tests are carried out on students and teaching staff. There is no obligation to wear masks in class. Outside the classroom, FFP2 masks are mandatory for vaccinated or recovered teaching and administrative staff. Those who are not vaccinated or recovered must also wear FFP2 masks in class.

COVID officers only in hospitals and meetings of 500 or more people

According to the Ministry of Health, there are only more across Austria own COVID-19 officers and a separate COVID-19 prevention concept for hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and for meetings with more than 500 people.

There are also innovations and adaptations to the corona vaccinations.

3. Vaccination remains valid for 12 months

Die Validity of the third vaccination in the Green Pass will from the current 9 months to 12 months (365 days) extended. Background: By the end of April, around 800 third vaccinations would have expired, and the certificate would have appeared red in the Green Passport. In May, this would have affected almost 900 more vaccination certificates – by the end of June a total of around 74,000 people would have been affected with three vaccinations. “Everyone can go on vacation,” says the Green Minister of Health when presenting the new, relaxed measures. “We should not make the mistake that everything will be easy.” Referring to the corona vaccination, Rauch says: “There is currently no general recommendation for a fourth vaccination.” Follow the recommendations of the EU.

The Ministry of Health is preparing intensively for the autumn. “Vaccination, contact tracing, medicines” are part of the “toolbox” that will be used.

The regulation is valid until July 8th.

Health Minister Johannes Rauch gives a “little review” at the beginning. At the beginning of March, masks became compulsory indoors because the number of infections and the occupancy of the beds pushed the hospital staff to their limits, according to the Minister of Health.

Wearing the mask in summer is “the mildest means” because “we protect others with it” and: “because the pandemic is not over. There are new virus variants around”.

Referring to the corona vaccination, Rauch says: “There is currently no general recommendation for a fourth vaccination.” Follow the recommendations of the EU.

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