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These (cheap) anti-aging tips ensure youthful and radiant skin

As we get older, we want to do everything we can to improve ours skin keep it as young as possible. We usually buy the more expensive creams, oils and serums, but the big question is whether they really work. Of course we understand that some don’t want to spend that much money on expensive skin care, or simply don’t have the budget to do so. But what if we have the golden anti aging tips for you, without you having to break the bank?

1. Sunscreen every day

First, it’s extremely important to apply sunscreen to your face every day. We understand that it seems a little pointless as we head into the winter months, but help your skin. Exposure to the sun, be it summer or winter, is the main cause of premature skin aging. Therefore, use a nourishing cream with at least SPF 15 every day. Of course, you should opt for a slightly higher SPF in summer.

2. Sunglasses with UV protection

Sunglasses are increasingly worn even in the winter months, obviously a little diva always has the accessory with her. And while you definitely have a favorite, that doesn’t mean it (the skin around it) protects your eyes from the sun. You need to pay close attention to whether your sunglasses actually protect you UV-straling. Good UV protection helps protect the sensitive skin around the eyes (goodbye, crow’s feet!). Plus, good sunglasses offer even more benefits, such as cataract prevention. Win-win… so win!

3. Air travel

We all know that your skin takes a beating during a flight. The air in the plane is very dry, so your skin dries faster. It is therefore important to apply a moisturizer to your face half an hour before boarding the plane. One more tip: try to avoid super salty snacks on the go and drink plenty of water.

4. Watch your sugar intake

When sugar is broken down and enters the bloodstream, a process called glycation occurs, causing collagen and elastin to become inelastic. Very bad for your skin, of course, but don’t immediately think that you can’t eat sugar anymore. Watch your sugar intake carefully and enjoy in moderation.

5. Stable weight

If your weight fluctuates all the time, it can have a negative effect on the elasticity of your skin. So don’t start one yoyo diet! We understand that this will give you amazing results in the short term, but in the long run this is very, very bad for you. So make sure you keep your weight stable. If you are unable to do it yourself, talk to a doctor, for example, who can give you advice.

6. Sleep deprivation

It is often said that you need to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation takes its toll on your skin, and that’s something you don’t want. Your skin should actually need seven to nine hours of rest a night to repair the daily wear and tear. So make sure you get enough sleep. This isn’t easy either, we know. But at least try to ensure regular bedtimes, a good temperature in the bedroom and a relaxed evening routine.

7. Smoking

It is common knowledge that smoking can have a negative effect on the aging of the house. Even non-smokers who are constantly exposed to smoke can experience its negative effects on the skin. Smoking breaks down collagen and causes sallow skin. It also slows down the healing process of the skin. For the list of good intentions?

Bron: really simple | Watch: iStock

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