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“These are young unguided warriors” – The Daily Standard

There is a lot of searching for a possible explanation or a clear cause for the rioting ‘young people’ in the Schilderswijk. Well, I don’t think it will be much more naive than the ‘statement’ that the Groenlinks chairman of Deventer-Salland gives. Look at that!
Saskia van der Elst really perfectly shows the dominant, yet naive, world view of her political club. Just consider what has happened recently: cars that caught fire; paving stones through the windows; injured officers and even stabbings and shootings! And then such a tweet:

Because it happened by (mainly) Moroccans, Turks and Antilleans (minorities), she immediately ignores all the suffering and damage caused to the victims. She focuses purely on the future and the opportunities of those perpetrators. Their behavior is not their fault, but a result of their environment.

And that environment is undesirable, but that is precisely the solution for her. You can change that! So they are victims as a group, these ‘young unguided warriors’, and with a little help they can all become astronauts and lawyers, as far as she is concerned!

For example, look at the contrast this article van de Telegraaf, between the opinion of the experts (1.) and the reaction from the Utrecht police (2.):

1. “You have to isolate the wheelers, pick them out, punish them harshly. Temporarily remove from society. Have rubble cleared in Beirut for punishment. That’s useful, and that’s how they get out of their bubble. Make sure they don’t get away with it. Yes, that does require a change of mentality. In the Netherlands, we are so used to just keep talking, always being tolerant. Simply put: no hugs, but clubs. ”

2. The Utrecht police does not comment on the ethnic background of the rioters. “They are Dutch,” said spokesman Bernhard Jens in response to questions from De Telegraaf. He does call it sad that this police deployment is needed in corona time. “This is deliberately screwing things up. Are you bored? Then we can see together how you can contribute to society. ”

The experts understand how that specific culture works, through their own experiences. The police probably also have that experience, but are not allowed to express themselves so clearly about it, and so just throw it again at a social problem of young people who are bored, or simply need some occupational therapy and a future perspective. Actually exactly what that Groenlinks chairman suggests. Completely absurd!

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