Home » today » Technology » These are the types of applications that can waste your smartphone battery: Okezone techno

These are the types of applications that can waste your smartphone battery: Okezone techno

BATTERY is one of the important components of a smart phone. A battery with a long life will make the smartphone have better operational capabilities.

Mobile phones with large capacity batteries are fun to do outdoors. However, battery power is not a guarantee that the smartphone will last without a low battery.

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Over time, the condition of the cellphone battery can definitely shrink. In addition, there are several types of applications that can actually drain the cellphone battery so that it becomes more wasteful or runs out quickly.

If the cellphone battery capacity is not that large, you should consider selecting and deleting the following types of applications. Anything? Check out the list, as summarized from Tech Engage, Monday (2/11/2020).

1. Social media

Some social media applications such as Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok can actually drain your cellphone battery quickly. Snapchat, for example, consumes a lot of cellphone battery power due to notification services, location, and other features that need to be connected to the internet.

Then Facebook, the top app that consumes the battery life of the phone. Because, this application runs in the background to sync updates, contacts, run notification services, and many background processes that can waste your cellphone battery.

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2. Short message application

Every mobile user has a short messaging application like WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, WeChat and many others. Messaging apps actually take up a lot of battery power. For example, Messenger synchronizing contacts and pushing notifications from time to time.

Then WhatsApp is always running in the background and will drain the cellphone battery data if used. If you find it impossible to uninstall the application, it can limit its use.

3. Battery life booster app

Battery life booster or RAM booster apps are not effective at all. This is because this software keeps running in the background to close other applications and is a big reason why it can cause battery drain. So, avoid applications like this.

Also read: Do you want your cellphone battery not to waste fast? Pay attention to these 7 things

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