Xalapa, Ver.-l breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in women worldwide, and constitutes a serious global health problem due to its morbidity and mortality (Read: http://www.granma.cu/todo-salud/).
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include the following:
-A lump in the breast that feels different from the tissue around it.
-Change in size, shape or appearance of a breast.
-Recent inversion of the nipple (tucked in).
-Playing, shedding of the skin, crusting or peeling of the area around the nipple (areola) or the skin of the breast.
-Redness or small holes in the skin above the breast, like the skin of an orange. Symptoms of advanced breast cancer:
Bone pain, breast pain or discomfort, skin ulcers, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, and weight loss.
Women are advised to do breast self-exam every month (Read: https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/000913.htm and also mammography and other tests when the doctor indicates it).
Auto exam de mamas
Steps to follow:
-Stand in front of a mirror with your arms hanging down and check that your breasts remain the same size and shape as always, your skin is smooth and does not have wrinkles or roughness.
-Raise your arms to vertical and observe if you find any noticeable difference between both breasts.
Palpation: You must lie down, and gently and deeply touch and review the breast, imagining that it is divided into four parts or quadrants; and also the armpits.
Treatment includes: radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.
After treatment, some women will continue to take medicine for a time.
All women will continue to have blood tests, mammograms, and other tests after treatment to monitor the return of the cancer or the development of another breast cancer.
In another matter, I invite you to see and participate in the program ‘Medical Specialists for Health Care’; Next Friday, at 8 pm, we will be accompanied by the coloproctology specialist, Dr. Eder Alejandro Sánchez Pérez, with the topic: ‘Anorectal diseases’.
We will transmit it on Facebook: Medical Specialists in Health Care and Revistasinrecreo.com
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