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These are the states in the US that will reopen businesses next week

At least eleven states of United States have started or plan to start next week the reopening of businesses that they remained closed due to the Covid-19, a minority that could set a precedent, as many other regions are undecided or the validity of their orders to confinement end in the next few weeks.

In the United States, state governments are responsible for establishing measures for the prevention and mitigation of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus; That, together with pressure from some citizens, will lead next week to a disparate scenario regarding the situation of confinement throughout the country.

Bowling alleys, gyms, massage centers and hairdressers

Of the eleven states that plan to start the suspension of confinement and close businesses next week, Alaska, Georgia, Colorado, Montana, South Carolina and Tennessee are planning to reopen a large number of non-essential businesses and in those that are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain social distance, such as massage centers or hairdressing salons.

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Starting this Friday, Alaska citizens will be able to enjoy hairdressing services, restaurants and a large number of retail stores with limitations, something similar to what Montana and Colorado will apply next week.

In Georgia, businesses of almost all kinds, such as massage centers, bowling alleys, movie theaters and many retail stores, will already be allowed to operate on Monday; while in Tennessee, its governor recently announced that “a vast majority of businesses in the 89 state counties will reopen on May 1.”

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Although the first to start this business opening was South Carolina, where since last day 20 furniture stores, clothing and accessories stores, florists and other retail establishments are allowed to operate at 20% of their capacity or with an occupation less than 5 people for every 305 square meters.

Start of gradual reopening

For their part, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas have announced the start of a more gradual opening of businesses, although to date they have not specified which establishments will be able to open.

In Missouri, the intention of its governor is to open most shops; Although this will be greatly diminished by the fact that the two large population centers of the state, Kansas City and San Luis, will maintain their confinement orders by decision of the local authorities.

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Meanwhile, in Florida last week, citizens began to be allowed to go to some beaches, always respecting social distance. However, the governor, Ron DeSantis, has not clarified what his strategy will be from next week, since the term of the confinement order in this state ends on April 30.


Those who also face the uncertainty of knowing what situation they will be in next week are the citizens of the nine states in which the isolation measures officially end in the coming days and whose rulers have not yet ruled on a possible extension.

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These are Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Carolina.

In some of these states there are strong pressures for a reopening to take place; as in Nevada, where Carolyn Goodman, the mayor of Las Vegas, the most populous city in the region, has been desperate to get them to open the hotels and casinos in the city.

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In North Carolina, by contrast, Mecklenburg County authorities, where 1.1 million people reside, have lobbied the state government to extend confinement.

They never had a confinement order

The governors of the two Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Arkansas have not issued confinement orders at any time; However, the inhabitants of these regions have suffered some restrictions such as the closing of schools, hairdressers and gyms, among others.

Additionally, Utah, Oklahoma, and Wyoming have not enforced statewide reclusion measures, but have only applied them to specific regions or population groups.

Most will remain at home for the Covid-19

Despite everything, most American citizens will continue to live under the orders of isolation next week, although the prospects for the end of their closure will also vary depending on where they live.

Some states, such as Kentucky, have not set a deadline for these measures, while the closure of the others is scheduled for May 4, as in the case of Washington.

Although ‘roughly speaking’ restrictions in most of these states are foreseen for the moment as of the second half of May, despite the warnings of caution from health experts.


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