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These are the roughest zodiac signs, run away from them

Astrologers are able to find an explanation for the character and every feature of man in the planets and stars. Experts in the interpretation of cosmic bodies also have a logical explanation of which zodiac signs we should run from like the devil of incense.

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The reason is that they are terribly rude. They are usually in a bad mood or, if they get angry, pray that you are not in front of their eyes.

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Any charm can lose its luster behind the indescribable rudeness and brutal cruelty of the representatives of several zodiac signs, according to astrologers. They reveal who they are and advise you to always have one thing in mind and keep your distance if you do not want to suffer badly.

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Revived the nightmare

It is debatable whether Aries is number 1 in the ranking of the biggest rude person in the entire zodiac. The reason is that when he is in the mood, he can be very charming, and this somewhat compensates for his terrible character.

While everything goes on honey butter, it’s great company: fun, playful and crazy. Aries is unable to get under another person’s skin, so if something goes wrong, it becomes a nightmare – Pol Pot and Kim Il Sung in one.

He forgives only those closest to him, who are almost as sinless and beautiful as Aries himself. But for everyone else, his patience is very low.

Was Adolf rude?

If you ask a bystander, he will tell you that Taurus is a good person with a warm and generous heart. That is right. Most of the time. Only those who have crossed the paths of Taurus and encountered his notorious malice and vengeance know what a monster this kind man is.

Taurus is infuriated by several things: if someone tries to damage his authority and doubt his decisions, if a close person betrays him, or if someone harms his financial interest. Adolf Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein are not good examples – most Tauruses are much more decent.

Rude, but not very evil

In the universe of their souls, patience must be sought with the Hubble Space Telescope. They say that Gemini is the most immature in the zodiac and, judging by their impulsiveness and lack of tolerance, yes, it seems they have not really outgrown puberty.

Of course, they have heard of self-control – it is something that others are obliged to exercise so as not to irritate the poor Gemini. Under this sign were born the “Divine Father” of Equatorial Guinea Obiang and the Indonesian dictator Suharto, but apart from them and with the exception of a few serial killers-sadists, they are not great villains.

Kind and considerate

If we discuss the harshest signs, we must completely exclude Crabs from the conversation. They are the most attentive and kind people in the whole zodiac. The fact that they are direct and do not like to show off should not be considered rude.

Well, if some people can’t stand the truth, that’s their problem. I just hope you don’t disappoint – understand “irritate” – Cancer. At the moment of affect, they do not know what they are talking about.

This means that all your secrets will be revealed, regardless of whether it will not ruin your life. The current Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is Rak.

End justifies the means

If there is anyone who hates rudeness, it is the Lion. With insults and scandals, it is definitely not an elegant way to deal with heated situations. If it is not possible to overcome the conflict only with his irresistible charm, the King of Animals chooses the path of manipulation and strategy.

But life is unpredictable and sometimes puts us in situations where we have to growl, even bite off a head or two. The lion always regrets after that. Mussolini, Fidel Castro and Slobodan Milosevic probably did not want to offend anyone either. They were only aware that the end justified the means.

Destroys with contempt

They prefer to destroy the enemy with contempt, sarcasm and utter disregard. According to them, direct insult is a means used by less sophisticated and simpler individuals, such as all other zodiac signs.

Virgos are analytical and patient people who prefer the path of diplomacy. One of the most corrupt politicians in history, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was born under this sign.

Together with his wife Imelda, they hold the Guinness Book of World Records record for the largest theft: they drained at least $ 10 billion from the Central Bank of the Philippines.

It does not depend on him

If it depended on them, they would not be rude. And they definitely wouldn’t offend people. Everyone knows that Libra is the most peaceful sign, constantly striving to avoid conflicts. But people are so annoying!

They are constantly trying to interfere, to give ratings, and worst of all, to interfere with Libra. And that can get anyone out of their skin, can’t it? That is why you should not judge the Nigerian dictator Gene so harshly. Sani Abacha, Congolese Mobutu Sese Seko and Albanian Enver Hoxha.

They are all just trying to do their job, like their Libra counterpart Vladimir Putin.

The truth hurts

At first reading, Scorpio seems to be at the top of the list for the biggest bully. He has the reputation of a secretive and suspicious person who does not respect the feelings of others.

This is far from the truth. Having mentioned the truth – yes, Scorpio can be too direct when he blesses others with the priceless gift of “truth”, of course, as he sees it. Although he realizes that the truth in question can deeply hurt the interlocutor, Scorpio would not spare him.

Under this sign was born Charles Manson, who brutally killed the pregnant Sharon Tate – the wife of the famous director Roman Polanski.

The king of the rude

The king of the rude is not necessarily bad at heart. The shooter is cheerful, always well-meaning and optimistic. He likes people and loves entertainment. He imposes his love of truth and justice brutally and uncompromisingly.

The shooter does not have time to deal with people who do not understand him or who are trying to hinder him. He passes through them like a ram. Which definitely classifies it as terribly rude.

He tries his best to give the annoyances a second chance, but his patience is very low. Many people under Stalin, Franco, Pinochet and Maduro have suffered as a result.

With the beginnings of humanity

Capricorn is not rude. He is heartless. But only when he has to impose his own or when they prevent him from achieving some goal. Otherwise he is pleasantly distant. The main prerequisite for Capricorn’s happiness is to control the situation and things to go according to his plan.

Once these two things are present, he does not need to be rude or insult people and even show the beginnings of humanity. He is no less spiteful than Taurus and Scorpio, so he always takes revenge. Under this sign, just and vindictive leaders like Cuban Fulgencio Batista and President Mao were born.

Offensive as a last resort

If someone approaches Aquarius and says, “Listen, you’re very rude,” the answer may be “Thank you,” or something just as absurd. This is not only because he is eccentric, but also because the last thing he cares about is what you think of him.

Aquarius does not offend to get revenge. His idea is never to hurt anyone. However, it is capable of extreme rudeness. His higher goals are important to him, and the fact that someone may feel offended or stepped on is a detail, something like indirect damage. Aquarius was the dictator cannibal Idi Amin, known by the nickname Usanda Butcher.

The sweetest sign

The zodiac sign Pisces is an antonym of rudeness. They are sensitive and emotionally intelligent. They like to listen and help people. Pisces do not even try to be kind and careful – it comes from within.

Those born under this Watermark are slippery and agile in avoiding conflicts. But if they have to oppose, they will, and they will be fearless.

To show the dual side of this wonderful sign, we will point out that Pisces is the second most famous dictator-cannibal Jean-Bedel Bokassa, who proclaimed himself emperor of the Central African Empire.

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Source: “Labor”

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