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These are the notorious trigger points, that is the points on the body that create painful inflammation

There are special points in our body that are more easily flammable than others, points where most of the pain that affects us originates. They are called “trigger points”, Ie trigger points or trigger points, because they are easily inflamed and trigger inflammation. In this article we will see where they are and how to treat them.

These are the notorious trigger points, that is the points on the body that create painful inflammation

The trigger points are localized and irritable muscle nodules, harder points than the rest of the muscle, which very often coincide with pressure points of Chinese medicine. The pain they trigger is muscular, localized to one point or area and can also affect the surrounding area of ​​the muscle, causing side effects. An inflammation of these points, for example, can cause headache, tinnitus, reduced movement, stiffness, etc.

The trigger points are located in different parts of the body and are spread over its entire surface and in depth. Both on the front and on the back. On the back, for example, there are many, both located on the surface of the main muscles, such as deltoid, trapezius, triceps, dorsal, and in depth. Deeply they are located in the muscles that connect the bones of our body or line them. Such as, for example, the intercostal muscles, those of the skull and pelvis.

Trattare i trigger points

Inflammations are triggered by muscle trauma, joint problems, vitamin deficiencies or by maintaining uncomfortable positions for a long time. Sitting all day in a chair that has poor back support is one example.

To treat inflammation in these areas, it is recommended that you go to a doctor or physiotherapist. There are, however, some tips that can help us unlock unpleasant situations in the moment. If there is sudden pain in these areas, we immediately put ice on these points, and stretch (do stretching) the affected area.

Therefore, these are the notorious trigger points, that is the points of the body that create painful inflammation.

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