Home » today » News » These are the most common workplace accidents in New York. What can you do to avoid them? | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

These are the most common workplace accidents in New York. What can you do to avoid them? | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

area average income.unemployed ownerscan request up to sixmonths of payment.accidents canhappen to anyone.there is a way to prevent them.Filipo Ferreti explainare work accidentsmore common in the place ofjob.filippo: every year, in newyork an average of 70 peoplelose their lives instead ofjob.the most recent fatal episodeIt happened a few days ago in themanhattan bridge.>> accidents at work arecan prevent and the latestin this school of queens.an instructor will explain to me thatcan the workers do andHow can these be usedtools safely.>> the people who willoperate on a ladder, noyou only have to know inthis ladder. yes i amworking on a scaffold, I haveto know that I have to get onwith a harness which I have tobe connected to a linehorizontal or vertical.Filippo: It was like himinstructor explained how to put mecorrectly an ares.I decided to test to see if it wasas easy as they gave me.>> there are several things when oneput on a harness that hasto take into consideration.adjustments do not have to happenthe fist.when or stays there, can notbe on one side the weight.third, empty the pockets.keys, telephones, coins.that can cause you a mindapical wings.>> maybe it wasn’t righttrained for the job thatI was doing.the forklifts and it did not happenaccount, that crushed him in thepart of the heart.led to death.areas of greatest danger.one is cidas, another iselectrocucón hit alreadytreatments.They are the most dangerous.

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