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These are the Mexicans who have taken refuge in Spain to evade justice

Emilio Lozoya Austin, former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), accused of corruption, money laundering and bribery in our country, He has not been the only Mexican arrested in Spain.

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The arrest of former official of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) was carried out on Wednesday by the police in Malaga, near a luxurious residential area, in compliance with a red token issued by Interpol for extradition purposes.

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The May 28 from 2019, the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) confirmed the detention from Alonso Ancira, owner of the company Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA), in Mallorca, Spain.

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The detention of Ancira Elizondo was less than 24 hours after the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Treasury will freeze the AHMSA bank accounts and of Emilio Lozoyaas well as of his sister, Susana Gilda and his mother Gilda. The same day the arrest warrant against Lozoya Austin.

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Both characters are related to buy and sell of the company Agro Nitrogenates, a scrap plant of fertilizers that was acquired by Pemex with over price when Emilio Lozoya was director of the business productive state, what gender a hurt to Estate public for more than USD 1,000 million.

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In 2018, the research news siten Fifth Element Lab reported that the steelmaker transferred more of USD 3.7 million to one ghost company supposedly created by the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht for pay bribes in exchange for millionaire contracts.

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AHMSA said then that contract to Brazilian firm for advisory in search of equipment and suppliers for an expansion project.

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The former governor of Coahuila, It was stopped the fifteen from January from 2016 at the Madrid-Barajas airport, in Spain, under charges of money laundering, bribery Y criminal association.

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The judge on call José La Mata le he applied provisional prison because he considered that there was a “clear riskleaking. The Spanish National Court indicated that he also former president of the PRI he was imprisoned under suspicion of participation in various crimes of corruption.

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According to the Spanish authority, Humberto Moreira had at least three accounts of which he was holder and that received transfers of funds from two societies: Unipolar and Spectacular Northern, Y Business, Consulting and Advertising. So, he received 217,290 Dollars. In his audience, he noted that received these resources monthly from money from spin of your companies in Mexico.

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After the January 22 of the same year, Moreira Valdez got out of prison after judge Santiago Pedraz will credit the origin of the more than 200,000 euros which deposited as bond. However, he decided that the former governor did not leave the country while the investigation continued. He was released in February and immediately returned to Mexico.

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Humberto Moreira was governor of Coahuila, charge that left to look for the PRI presidency, who got, but should leave it months later after it was revealed that during his government were falsified decrees to get more credits for the state, with the endorsement of the Secretary of Finance. In its administration, the state debt shot up to 34,000 million pesos. However he is still free.

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Diego Gabriel Cruz Alonso, a young man accused of sexual abuse to the detriment of minor Daphne Fernández, and known for being a member of the group “The Porkys“, It was arrested in Madrid, Spain, the June 10, 2016 where had run away after a judge you grant an amparo with what came out of prison.

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Diego Cruz he was the second of the young men accused of the crime of pederasty against the young Daphne Fernández. The October 28, 2016, the National Hearingl spanish authorized the extradition of Cruz Alonso, at the request of Mexico for the young man to continue his process in our country.

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In March from 2017, the magistrate Anuar González Hemadi granted an amparo to Diego Cruz under the justification that this young man had not abused Daphne, although he acknowledged that yes he touched her breasts, what yes he was present when they put his hand under his skirt and was in the rape moment, what he judge interpreted like what there was no lascivious intention, not even Cruz I intended to copulate because the alleged aggressor did not make a word Some about it. So, he said, it was just about accidental rubbing or rubbing.

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Eight Mexicans linked to the narco

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The 31 from March from 2017, eight Mexicans of a criminal organization dedicated to money laundering were arrested by the Spanish National Police. They were allegedly linked with the entrepreneur Mexican Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano, the “Monkey Muñoz”, Who was arrested a year earlier for operations related to the Los Zetas cartel.

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Munoz It was arrested the 18 from March from 2016 in Madrid, by order of the Spanish National Court, at the request of the then Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office investigated by money laundering allegedly of The Zetas. It was extradited to United Statess where in may from 2019 It was released by pleading guilty and become an informant.

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On the detentions of Mexicans in that European country nation, the former head of Spanish government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapateroheld that his country It is not and will not be “refuge for corrupt or criminals

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To the take part in the National Assembly of Legislators of the Fourth Transformation, he warned:if anyone thinks that Spain it is a refuge for corrupt Latin Americans or nursery of the corrupt Latin Americans you are wrong, there the Justice it will be relentless late more or less late. ”

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Rodriguez Zapatero insisted that in the case from Lozoya Austin I know will apply the rule of law.

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“The procedures that are there, that there must be, this one that occupies the pages today, will bring answer of the rule of law and of unequivocal justice if they occurred. ”

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