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These are the measures approved today by the Senate in the face of the coronavirus emergency

The Senate today approved a package of legislative measures aimed at addressing the emergency decreed at the governmental level by the coronavirus COVID-19 and to alleviate the impact that the state has imposed on the working class restrictions on the displacement and closure of businesses.

Among the measures approved is Joint Senate Resolution 492 that establishes a $ 25 million fund from the Emergency Fund to help affected families. This fund, which will be nourished by the Emergency Fund, will be used to grant an economic stimulus of $ 500, which will be sent to the applicant through the Treasury.

The stimulus may be delivered to, for example, employees in businesses that cannot operate during the full closure. The initiative excludes applicants whose family nucleus participates in the Nutritional Assistance Program (PAN).

But what other measures received the legislative endorsement?

-Senate Bill 1539: prohibits the disconnection of water, electricity and telecommunications services without the client’s consent until 30 days after an emergency situation such as the one that is going through the country. Anyone who orders or disconnects incurs a less serious crime. The public or private entity that does not comply with the statute would be subject to a fine of up to $ 100,000.

-Project of Chamber 2428: Contrary to the original bill, the version approved today by the Senate requires employers to grant a five-day paid leave to those employees affected by COVID-2019 who have exhausted their vacation and sick leave.

-Joint Senate Resolution 491: authorizes physicians to exercise telemedicine, make medical consultations by telephone, and make medical referrals or orders by photography or any other electronic method. For their part, health insurance companies and the Health Insurance Administration are obliged to pay for the services provided to patients electronically, digitally or by telephone as if it were a face-to-face consultation. The Resolution will take effect immediately after its approval and will be in force for 90 days, although its application can be extended for 30 days.

-Senate Bill 1538: creates the “COVID 19 Special Pandemic Emergency Measures Act in order to adopt emergency measures in Puerto Rico, in the public and private spheres, due to the state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. Set up the test cover to detect coronavirus for free.

-Joint Senate Resolution 487: orders the Electric Power Authority (PREPA) and the Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (AAA) to postpone any collection or billing to any client or subscriber who requests the postponement of payment due to the emergency caused by the coronavirus or due to their economic condition . The measure applies until the State of Emergency declaration is repealed.

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