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These are the main changes that will take effect from July 1 in the new stage of reopening

The governor Wanda Vázquez Garced extended until July 22 the curfew that orders people to stay at home from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am, but relaxed the restrictions imposed on work, social, educational and commercial activities that may be carried out outside these hours.

At the moment, the new Executive Order 2020-048 has not yet been published, but several of the changes that will take effect from Wednesday, July 1 as part of the strategy to control the contagions of coronavirus.

Next, we present you details of the new stage:

-The use of masks that cover the nose and mouth will continue to be mandatory in all public spaces, as well as avoiding “unnecessary crowds”.

-The career employees of government agencies who are identified as “necessary” will return to work in stages starting on July 1.

Government agencies that offer services to citizens will be able to receive a public at their facilities as of Monday, July 6. Each agency must report on the conditions for providing services. The agglomeration of people in the offices should be avoided and the use of masks is mandatory.

-University schools may reopen, for which they must develop a protocol that complies with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA, in English).

Public schools and private schools will be closed to students at least until July 22. Sites may only receive employees to prepare work plans for their reopening and prepare for the upcoming school year. Both the administrations of the schools and the Department of Education will have to “timely” present their plans to return to class and if they will offer their courses in person, remotely, or a combination of both modalities.

-The sale of Electronic Lottery and traditional Lottery is authorized.

Collective transportation services will be reestablished through the Metropolitan Authority of Buses (AMA) and the Urban Train.

-Funeral services may be carried out until 8:00 pm Cemeteries, for their part, may be open to the public, as long as social distancing measures and protocols of the Department of Health are complied with. The prohibition of the entry of children under 12 years to funeral homes and cemeteries continues.

-The resumption of individual, collective or team sports and recreational training is authorized. Starting July 15, the resumption of professional league sports events is authorized, except contact sports such as boxing.

Casinos may be reopened, although steps must be taken to ensure that occupancy does not exceed 75% of their maximum capacity, as established in the building codes. They must comply with the guidelines of the Gaming Division.

-An increase will be allowed in the number of people who may be inside restaurants and shops. Now, the maximum occupancy of these businesses should not exceed 75% of their capacity, as established in the building codes.

-The opening of rooms for events and face-to-face concerts is authorized, although they must comply with the recommendations of the CDC, the Department of Health and OSHA. All attendees should have face masks, frequent hand washing should be encouraged, individuals should be kept six feet away, and facilities should be disinfected daily. Each location must establish a risk control plan.

No specific measures were announced to address the arrival of passengers at airports, one of the points of greatest concern among members of the La Fortaleza medical advisory group due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 in regions of the United States.

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